UX Case Study — Gold Investment in Amartha

Ariel Nathania Winata
11 min readNov 28, 2021



This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Amartha is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Amartha.


Hello friends! I want to share about what I did few weeks ago. Skilvul have collaborated with some challenge partners to create a real project challenge. I had to choose one challenge partner, and was assigned to build high fidelity designs and clickable prototypes based on challenge partner’s needs. I chose Amartha, and was asked to develop gold investment feature which implement gamification to attract users.

👀What is Amartha

One of Amartha’s Achievement

Amartha is a pioneer financial technology (fintech) peer to peer (P2P) lending company in Indonesia, that connects Micro and Small Enterprises who require capital funds and potential lenders through application. Amartha was born to help micropreneurs that has difficulties to raise funds for their business due to income fluctuation, limited access, and no credit history. Amartha is very supportive of woman’s empowerment, that’s why borrowers in Amartha is limited to women entrepreneurs only.

Amartha strongly believe, easy access to capital funds can contribute in improving the quality of life for lower pyramid community. By utilizing technology, Amartha has a vision to attain equitable prosperity in Indonesia. By now, Amartha has distributed 5,10 trillion rupiahs to help micropreneurs in rural areas.


  • Make the gold investment journey more enjoyable and fun, moreover can encourage larger society to start investing
  • Create an easy-to-understand app for all age groups
  • Provide many features to accommodate the diversity of user needs

👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻Roles in Teams

I collaborated with two other team members, starting from doing initial research, brainstorming by design thinking approach, user testing, and doing iteration design based on user’s input. Starting from making userflow, we decided to split the tasks by features we want to make for faster execution. Each of us made has different task as follow :

Ariel Nathania Winata : designing home interface and some features, like gold purchase, auto invest, and gold installment.

Ivan Lianto : designing interfaces of news, referral, and gamification.

Hajna Agung Milkham : designing interfaces of gold investment simulation, physical gold withdrawal, and sell gold.

After all the mock up already made, we reviewed altogether to make sure that our prototype can work properly and can meet user needs.

🌈Design Process

We decided to use design thinking as our design process approach. Design thinking is composed of five steps — empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. After test stage, we also did iterative design to provide better prototype. We really have had a blast doing this.

Image source: https://www.stetson.edu/business/pace/design-thinking.php

1 — Empathize

In this process, we conduct secondary research by collecting information and data from various sources. The data we analyzed are feedback on competitor applications in similar fields obtained from Google Play or the iOS Store, self-research, and UX Case Study on Medium. We also interviewed some users to gather more insight and feedback. After that, we listed down what is the actual problems.

Our Secondary Research Documentation

2— Define

📌Pain Points

After doing a long research, we felt closer to the user’s condition, problem, and what they think towards gold investment. We sorted our findings, and map out 19 pain points as shown below :

List of Pain Points

🐱‍🏍How Might We

Pain points above become our guide to think about what we should do. Then, we choose what ideas that most likely possible to implement with cute stickers. We also prioritize solution that can answer user’s problem that most frequently mentioned or discovered in our initial research.

LIst of How Might We

3 — Ideate

💡Solution Ideas

We bring list of our how might we and start the brainstorming session with one main aim — to bring gold investment application that enjoyable and easy-to-understand by all age groups.

It’s fun though that we pour out our wild ideas to make sure that the users will get best experience. The solution that we propose is as follows

List of Solution Ideas

📈Affinity Diagram

For easier implementation, we categorize the solutions into several groupings. We comes up with five groupings, there are interface design, gold investment additional feature,

Affinity Diagram

The solution that we want to bring further can be summarized like below :

Interface Design

  • Make the gold portfolio separated from other instrument, so it will be well organized and neat.
  • Create an user friendly interface, which can even be used by elderly. Easy-to-use app means more users can the ease and advantages of investing.

Gold Investment Additional Features :

  • Physical gold withdrawal feature, to facilitate people who tends to keep physical gold. With few taps, your gold is on its way! User also receive certificate along with their gold. No worries, insurance charge is included in shipping cost.
  • Gold installment feature, very useful to user who wants to buy gold in current price but do not have enough funds. User also can choose payment tenor as they wish.
  • Auto invest feature, very helpful to people who wants to invest regularly. It also offer auto debit payment with e-wallet or available balance, and also you can choose other payment for only notification (so you have to make a payment manually, this feature only works as reminder).


  • Option to buy gold in grams or rupiah. Definitely will make people more convenient in determining the amount of gold they should buy!
  • Transaction history feature will allow users to track their transaction along the time. Whether you buy gold, sell gold, all is recorded in history!

Help & Support

  • Equipped by tutorial or simulation to give clearer consideration to buy gold


  • Gamification is proven in attracting more users. We wants to bring two types of gamification, they are monopoly and refer to a friend. In monopoly, user will receive 1 chance to play every day (if they logged into the game). Every transaction will give them additional chance, and it means additional points!
  • Meanwhile, refer to a friend give user advantage if their friend use user’s code. Every friend that create account in Amartha and start investing in gold, will give the user voucher cashback worth Rp20.000.


  • Biometrics and PIN for validation in every transaction. This feature to reassure only the real account holder can proceed every transaction.
  • Market news feature is included to broaden user’s knowledge, and keep them updated with recent news.

All that solution then were rearranged on priority matrix.

📋Prioritization Idea

We want a lot of features included in our application, and it is definitely not possible to do it all at once. To get around that, we arranged our solution into priority matrix. Priority Matrix is divided by four categories, there are ‘Yes, Do It Now’, ‘Do Next’, ‘Later’, and ‘Do Last’. Features with highest priority were put in ‘Yes’, ‘Do It Now’, and the others with lesser priority is put in ‘Do Next’, ‘Later’, and ‘Do Last’.

Crazy 8's

Within 8 minutes, we are forced to make rough layout of our application. Two of us choose to make wireframe with paper and pencil, the other choose to make wireframe digitally. Each of us inserted the wireframe, and then we vote to choose which layout that we should keep for our ‘real’ wireframe.

We also remembering ourselves, although we can explore the design freely, our design should be still inline with Amartha’s existing design. So we make the wireframe not too deviate with the existing. Next, we brought this rough layout to make ‘real’ wireframe.

Crazy 8’s LoFi Wireframe

4— Prototype

💨User Flow

We made nine user flows based on features we want to present in out gold investment interface design. The flow we made is based on flow which used in most gold investment application, with some improvements.

Gold Purchase

Gold Purchase Flow

When user clicked buy gold button, the app will be directed to the gold purchase display. User has to choose whether he/she want to buy gold in gram or rupiah, and enter desired amount. After choose payment method and select voucher, user has to do verification with biometric / PIN, and make a payment. After receiving confirmation, gold purchase is sucessfuly done.

Sell Gold

Sell Gold Flow

When user clicked sell gold button, the app will be directed to the gsell gold display. User has to choose his/her bank account or other payment platform as recipients of the funds. User has to do verification with biometric / PIN, and it is done.

Gold Investment Simulation

Gold Investment Simulation Flow

This feature is intended for beginner. User can enter amount of gold (in gram/rupiah), choose time length, and something will pop up. Yes, our app can predict how much profit that user will earn! We predict the profit based on former average price increment.

Auto Invest

Auto Invest Flow

The flow is somehow similar with gold purchase flow, but there are few additional information required. User has too determine from when until when they want to invest, or maybe they want to set the auto invest forever.

Physical Gold Withdrawal

Physical Gold Withdrawal Flow

This feature enable users to get their physical gold just through app. User have to enter withdrawal amount, set their address, choose payment method, and do verification. And it is done!

Gold Installment

Gold Installment Flow

First, user have to enter purchase amount, choose credit card that he/she want to use, and pick the tenor length. Every month, user will be billed as what written in the transaction detail.


Referral Flow

Referral works as simple as, user share their code, and every person who use that code for registration and start investing will make the code owner get additional voucher.

Gamification (Monopoly)

Gamification (Monopoly) Flow

Basically, the way to play this game is the same as monopoly. User have to roll the dice, and when certain number showed up, user can run the pawn as the number on the dice. Every place which the pawn landed will gave different points to user. User can also exchange the points for vouchers.

Market News

Market News Flow

Simply scroll the home, and user will find market news section. Pick one news, and start reading gold related news!



🎨Design System

This feature is still part of Amartha, so we are using same styleguide that Amartha implemented. We constructed design system to make our life as UI designer easier. First, we were creating atomic design. We used purple as our primary color (which is exactly have the same code hex), and used same font (Proxima Nova for text, and Roboto for number). Other components we made such as text field, button, radio button, status bar, and icon.

Design System — Atom Level

Those atomic units bond together to form more complex design a.k.a molecules. Molecules make bigger impact on our design system. We were making user interface while creating the molecules design. If we needed similar form of design, we just take it from the assets and customize it as we want.

Design System — Molecule Level

👏High Fidelity Prototype

After days, the high fidelity wireframe is done. Finally, we connected the frames and added some animations to make prototype. You can see our first prototype below✨

High Fidelity Prototype Before Iteration (Indonesia)

5— Test

We did research by usability testing and in-depth interview to 3 respondents. This step is required to make sure that our design will satisfy our users. Certainly, we need to set user criteria to get appropriate data. Here is our user criteria :

🙍‍♂️🙍‍♀️User Criteria

  1. At the age of 18–45 years old
  2. Currently working (permanent job or not)
  3. Can speak or understand Indonesian
  4. Interested in investment, or has experiences in investing at any instrument
  5. Familiar with technology and can use smartphone well

I asked some question to my respondents to make sure that they are meet my criteria. I try to dig more information from the user with open ended questions like below :

  • Have you ever invested and in where do you invest your money?
  • If ever, what instrument do you invest in? Why did you choose to invest there ? If not, are you interested in investing? Why?
  • Are there any certain features that help you in investing?
  • In your opinion, is it important to invest?
  • Is there any considerations when you investing? If there is, can you tell me your considerations?
  • Do you understand the gold investment system?
  • Have you ever used a gold investment application?
  • What do you like and don’t like about the gold investment application?

After that, we asked our respondents to do seven tasks, there were : buy gold, sell gold, do auto invest, do gold installment, try out gold investment simulation, withdraw physical gold, and try to play monopoly.

✔Test Result

Test Completion Rate : 100%

— All of them can perform all tasks smoothly (below 15 secs per task)

All of us did the interview by online, and documented it so we can reread our respondents’ suggestions. We missed several details which are matters, but thanks to our respondents who paid attention to that. These are suggestions that given by our respondents

  • Two of our respondents felt that the color of menu icon makes it a bit unreadable. Better to make the icon color more contrast to the background
  • Lack of instruction in gamification, better to give additional information
  • Add more details on auto invest, like how many times the user should invest if he/she set the end time.
  • Add additional information on method payments, especially on auto invest (which are auto pay, which are not)
  • For gold installment, it’s better to only provide credit card as payment method to simplify the installment payment process

Average SEQ Result : 6 out of 7

Based on suggestion given, we proceed to iteration design.

📍Additional—Iteration Design

We interviewed some people for user testing, and revised our prototype based on the user’s advice. Here is our final prototype🤳

High Fidelity Prototype After Iteration (Indonesia)

Thankyou for reading!

Kudos to my teammates for great collaboration in this project — Ivan Lianto and Hajna Agung Milkham. I’m open for any feedback, feel free to contact me on Linkedin or visit my Dribbble🙌

