The Impact of Technology on Academic Writing Practices

Ariel Wilson
3 min readDec 21, 2023

In the fast-changing educational environment, technology has become an essential part of academic writing processes which is affecting how students and instructors conduct the writing process. The development of digital technologies and online services has not only transformed the accessibility of data but also changed the entire academic writing lifecycle. The way academics interact with written texts has been significantly transformed by technology in terms of from research and writing to editing and collaboration.

In this article, the writer from Dissertation Consulting Services will discuss the impact of technology on academic writing procedure by also highlighting every part of academic writing.

Research In The Digital Age

Access to an extensive amount of knowledge is one of the most significant effects of technology on academic writing. Students do not have to spend days in libraries looking over real books and journals. Researchers can access an extensive amount of material with just a click of the mouse because of the internet. If students need any kind of Dissertation Abstract Help UK standard they will get it by clicking one button. For scientific papers and references, online databases, academic publications, and digital libraries are now the most common sources.

Writing And Word Processing

With the invention of word processing software, the writing step of academic writing has been changed. The days of typing documents by hand and using typewriters are long gone. These days, academics and students produce and modify their work effortlessly using word processors such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and others. This interactive feature not only encourages teamwork but also speeds up the review and editing stage. Feedback and comments will be exchanged in real-time which encourages a better and more interactive writing environment.

Citation And Referencing

The emergence of technology is having an important effect on academic writing citation and reference procedures. The process of making reference lists and citations can be automated by citation management programs like Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote. To maintain academic integrity, students should avoid relying completely on automatic citation systems and instead develop a thorough understanding of citation requirements.

Plagiarism Checker

Since it is so simple to copy and paste anything from the internet, academic writing has made plagiarism an important issue. To address this issue, academic institutions and researchers are now using plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin and Grammarly to ensure the authenticity of academic work. Teachers are essential in teaching students about plagiarism and appropriate citation styles, as well as how to use technology ethically and responsibly in the classroom.


Technology is having an important and broad impact on academic writing processes. Technology has completely changed the nature of academic communication, from the methods used in research to the drafting, editing, and interactive components of writing. While the benefits are clear, it is crucial for educators and students both to explore the online world with a critical perspective, to guarantee that technology innovations are used responsibly for improving, rather than compromising the quality of academic writing. Technology will continue to change and impact academic writing methods, thus it is important to be responsible in adapting to these changes and providing education in the ever-evolving field of academia.



Ariel Wilson

Hi Hello, My name is Ariel Wilson I am a professional writer I love medium platform and writing. Visit: