Word of the Year: Patience

Patience in 2022 and habits to continue, improve, and practice with love

Ariel Yoffie
7 min readJan 31, 2022

Patience is a characteristic I admire in others and want to get better at. So, here’s a list of Patience practices to (try) to live by…


Patience is the ability to be calm in the face of adversity, frustration or suffering, and in any given situation you’ll respond with some amount of patience (or lack of it).

Bruce Lee quote on Patience

Keep Doing

With time and a sense of humor, pain can lead to joy.

Be kind and patient when contacting support agents or the barista. The long lines and wait times, calls dropping, orders taking too long, and frustrating policies are not their fault. They’re humans too, and with a smile, some eye contact, and a genuine ‘how are you?’ and ‘have a good one!’ — maybe I can help brighten up their day.

If I lose a thought, laugh and let it go. If I’m patient and it’s important, it’ll come back eventually.

If I lose or break a thing, I’ll remember to be grateful for warm shelter, full tummy, good health, and loving and feeling loved. That’s far more important…and be grateful I can afford to replace it if need be.

