Wireless Router Security

Nur Hossen Arif
7 min readFeb 20, 2017


Setting up a home wireless network allows every member of the family to access the internet at one time. You can hook up a laptop or wi-fi enabled device anywhere within the radius of the wireless network, providing you with a cable-free, neat and flexible virtual experience. Although wi-fi networks provide endless opportunities, they also are equipped with their own set of security problems. Here are the top ten things to keep in mind for a safe, reliable internet connection.

Wireless Router Security

1. For the best connectivity, set up the access point in a central location: This ensures that the wi-fi signal will reach all areas in your house, and it will minimize the amount of signal leakage beyond your property. This is important to minimize the chance of drive-by access to your system. If your signal can be accessed by someone in the street, it may be detected and exploited by unscrupulous people, and if your network security is not sufficient, they may even be 7 Quick Steps to Wireless Router Security.

We all want a secure wireless network where we don’t have to worry about hackers. Secured wireless routers enable users to use efficient wireless access to the internet while providing a secure environment to do so — whether it’s at home, work, or outdoors. It’s important to make sure your router is up to date, so check out our top 7 tips for securing your wireless router.

Access your wireless router configuration. To access the settings of your wireless router and configuration menu then connect to the router either wirelessly or via Ethernet cable. Open a web browser, ie: [] or []

Wireless Router Security

1) Change administrator password

Just about all wireless routers come with a blank password. It is important that it be changed to a potential hacker can get into your router Configuration and lock your hardware.

2) Change the SSID (the network name)

The default network name is usually made of the name/model of your wireless router. This information gives an advantage to the attacker, and makes it easier for them to penetrate the network. Renaming is not something like your surname, name, or a house, because it makes unnecessary personal information. Rename it to an alpha-numeric string — this can take up to32 characters in length.

3) Turn off SSID transfers

By default, a wireless router, the SSID is broadcast so anyone in the vicinity of your wireless router can see. SSID broadcasting can be turned off the wireless routerand thus virtually invisible.

4) Turn on encryption

This option is disabled by default. There is a choice of WEP, WPA and WPA2. Currently, the latest WPA2 encryption method is then used whenever possible. Both Wireless router and wireless PC card must be configured to use the same encryption.

5) MAC Address Control

All hardware is assigned a unique MAC address, including your PC card. The MAC address can be added to control lists, access to wireless router. Only devices that have access to the list of router control can be connected.

6) Update router firmware

It is recommended that the latest firmware of the router downloaded and installed by the manufacturer’s website and the router. This will hopefully fix any errors found on your router and also help with all known security vulnerabilities on the router itself.

7) Backup Settings

Finally, back up settings of the router. If you reset the router back to factory settings for any reason, the configuration later restored easily and quickly into the router again.

2. Activate and enable Encryption for devices connected to your network: All Wi-Fi equipment supports some form of encryption which makes messages sent over a wireless network less likely to be read by an external entity. Available encryption schemes vary, with WEP being the weakest (and oldest) and WPA — and now WPA2 — being stronger and better. You can’t mix and match, though, as all wi-fi devices on your network must use the same encryption scheme. WEP may be not as good as the WPA settings, but remember that it’s far better than no encryption at all.

3. Designate unique default Usernames and Administrator Passwords: An Access Point or Router is the heart of a home wi-fi network. These come from the factory with default administrator usernames and passwords. Manufacturers set both the account username and password at the factory. The admin account allows a user to enter network addresses and account information. The username is often simply the word admin or administrator. The password is typically blank or consists of the words “admin”, “public” or “password”. Hackers are well aware of these defaults and if you don’t change them, there is a grave danger of leaving your network open to access by a baddie. As soon as you set up your access point or router, change the admin username and password and it’s a good idea to change them on a regular basis, say every 30 to 60 days.

4. Remember to change the name of the default SSID: Manufacturers of wi-fi access points and routers normally ship their products with a default network name (the SSID). SSID stands for Service Set Identifier, which is a 32-character sequence that uniquely identifies a wireless LAN. In other words, the SSID is the name of the wireless network. In order for a wireless device to connect to a wireless network it must know the SSID of the wireless network in question. If you plug your wireless router or access point in and leave the default SSID, it won’t take long for an attacker to determine what the SSID is. As soon as you configure your access point or router, change the SSID to a unique name that will be difficult to guess.

5. Disable SSID Broadcasting: SSID broadcasting by your access point or router occurs every few seconds and is intended to allow users to find, identify and connect to wi-fi networks. If you have a wireless device, this feature allows you to discover which networks are within range, and what their names are. It’s the first step to connecting to a wi-fi network. This feature is not necessary in a home network, however, and is undesirable since it allows external entities to discover your network’s SSID. It is strongly advised that home network users disable this feature in order to improve the security of your wi-fi network.

6. Enable MAC Address filtering: The functionality known as Media Access Control (MAC) address filtering uses a computer’s physical hardware. Each computer has its own unique MAC address. MAC address filtering allows the network administrator to enter a list of MAC addresses that are allowed to communicate on the network. It also allows the network administrator to deny access to any MAC address not specifically allowed onto the network. This method is very secure, but if you buy a new computer or if visitors to your home want to use your network, you’ll need to add the new machine’s MAC address to the list of approved addresses.

7. Assign Static IP Addresses to Connected Devices: Static IP address assignment (sometimes also called fixed addressing) is an alternative to dynamic addressing (called DHCP) on Internet Protocol networks. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol for automating the configuration of computers that use TCP/IP. DHCP can be used to automatically assign IP addresses to devices connected to your wi-fi network.. Dynamic addressing is convenient. It also allows mobile computers to more easily move between different networks. Unfortunately, this can work to the advantage of hackers, who can get valid IP addresses from your network’s DHCP pool. To avoid this possibility, turn off DHCP on your access point or router and assign a fixed IP address to each device on the network.

8. Enable both software and hardware Firewalls on your network: Most routers these days contain built-in hardware firewall capabilities, but it’s also recommended that each computer (PC or laptop) connected to your wi-fi network should have its own personal software firewall installed. A software firewall will protect your computer from intrusion by scanning incoming messages and blocking suspicious traffic from entering your system. It will also prevent unauthorized outgoing messages which may prevent Trojans on your system from sending your valuable information to a hacker.

9. Disable automatic connection to open Wi-Fi networks: If your wi-fi enabled device detects an open (i.e. unsecured) wi-fi network, such as a free wireless hotspot or even a neighbors unsecured network, it may connect automatically without informing you. For example, on Windows XP computers having Wi-Fi connections managed by the operating system, the setting is called “Automatically connect to non-preferred networks.” Once connected, you could be exposing your system to a security risk. Disable all automatic connections, or at least only allow connection once you have been informed and have approved the connection.

10. Turn off your network when you’re not using it: If your wi-fi network isn’t turned on, hackers can’t get to it. This is possibly the very best way to avoid security problems. Of course, if it’s turned off, you can’t use it either… However, consider turning off your wireless system during periods of non-use, such as vacations, if you are away from home on business, or any other periods when you know you won’t be using it. Best Wireless Routers top 10 List: http://www.arishanur.com/best-wireless-routers/

