3 Strategies That Bring Brands Closer To Latino Audiences

Ariful Anam
3 min readNov 5, 2014

The Latino community is the third-largest ethnicity in the United States today and the fastest-growing ethnic group in the country. However, despite these facts, the Latino community has long been ignored by major American brands.

But things have started to change after it was found that today, Latinos have a $3.2 trillion purchasing power and a newfound affinity for luxury brands.

Latino Community

Today, all the major brands want to enter the Latino marketplace in anticipation of a major boost in sales. However, businesses must adapt some of their marketing and business strategies to stay in this market long-term.

To do business with the Latino community, businesses have to understand some basic things. For example-

  1. The Latinos are proud of their cultural heritage
  2. They speak Spanish as their first language
  3. They love their entertainment especially TV

Therefore, in order to market any product or service to the Hispanic community, businesses must pay attention to their likes and dislikes and create a promotional strategy that appeals to them.

While it is not advised that businesses change their entire business strategy to enter the Latino marketplace, a little tweak here and there might help businesses gain an advantage over their competitors.

Now, there are some tried-and-tested methods of imbibing Latino culture into business strategy. New businesses trying to enter the Latino marketplace can try these strategies, and if they can successfully implement them, they can earn a fair share of the Latino market.

Also, most of these strategies involve some major investment; they can help businesses earn a large profit. The good news is that those expenses can also be reduced considerably.

Strategy 1: Advertise in Spanish

As Spanish is the first language in most Latino households, advertising a product or service in Spanish can help businesses come close to the Latino community. It will help the brand become a household name among the Hispanic audience.

They will know the product better, understand its purpose, and, if they are interested in it, buy it.

Strategy 2: Feature a Latino Star in Advertisement and Other Promotional Activities

Everyone knows that Latinos are very proud of their culture. They also take their entertainment seriously. They love watching telenovelas, talk shows, and sports on TV. Therefore, they are likely to be more influenced by people associated with the entertainment world.

If a famous Latino actor or singer endorses a brand, they are likelier to score well in the market. Many of the best brands in the United States have chosen this strategy and had major success.

Adopting this strategy has an advantage. It adds glamour to the business and helps businesses sell their products or services to the Latino community.

Strategy 3: Offer State-of-the- Art Customer Service in Spanish

Once Latino customers become customers, businesses should not stop paying attention to their needs. They should offer them high-quality customer service in a language that is easy for them to understand. This will allow them to speak about their issues more clearly and receive and follow instructions from customer service executives regarding resolving them.

While having an in-house Spanish contact center can be quite expensive for most businesses, they can hire a near-shore Spanish call center in Latin America to handle the calls for them at a lower price.

