At What Age Can a Child Start Coding?

Arijit Sanyal
7 min readDec 29, 2022


— Arijit Sanyal

Your children have presumably grown up around computers, video games, smartphones, tablets, and other technology. They may have also begun to show an interest in picking up game programming and coding skills. But is this a wise move, and should you let young children start learning to code?

Children as young as 7 years old can begin learning the fundamentals of coding. In reality, since technology has progressively become a part of daily life, coding has gained popularity over the past few years.

In order to provide you with a primer on what coding is, we’ll cover it in this article’s most basic terms.

What does coding means ?

Importance Of Coding

Programming for computers or developing are other names for coding. Through the use of coding, computers are “told” how to carry out certain operations. Code, or a collection of instructions a computer needs in order to operate in a preferred manner, is used to do this.

When code is reduced to its most basic components, it is just computer language. It involves a number of actions, reactions, and inputs.

The microwave in your kitchen is one everyday example of coding! When preparing lunch, you press the start button after entering the cooking time on the keypad. Following that, the microwave’s operating code starts up and gets to work using the cooking time you specified.

The plate within the microwave is rotated by a motor. When the door is shut, the microwave merely turns on, after which the digital timer starts to run out. The microwave will beep or ding when the timer reaches zero to indicate that the task is over and all moving parts will stop.

The majority of the time, using an interface, you can only interact with a very small portion of what coding is capable of. This could refer to your computer keyboard, smartphone touchscreen, or microwave keypad. Programmers or developers are the only ones who can identify what these codes are capable of.

As early as possible, children should begin learning to code because it will better prepare them for the future and provide them with chances in tech-related industries. Furthermore, coding is a skill that is becoming increasingly valuable in today's society. Coding can also be applied in regular circumstances. Coding, for instance, can make a robot that cleans the house or schedule lights to come on and go off at specific times. It aids in task automation and increases the effectiveness of procedures. Even games for kids can be programmed using code!

Why should coding be taught in schools ?

Why Coding Should Be Taught ?

Anyone can ask, "What are the benefits of learning to code?" The answer is that learning to code has numerous advantages. In the modern digital era, learning how to code is regarded as fundamental. Therefore, every school should aim to start teaching coding to its children when they are young. Kids can at least learn what “coding” actually means. Why is it so fascinating? Why should children learn to code?

It helps to develop problem solving mindset

Learning the fundamentals of programming and having a basic understanding of computers will help kids comprehend how things work. They will discover the value of arithmetic in logical problem-solving. Children should be taught to code so that they can develop these problem-solving skills at a young age.

It helps them to develop strength

Children learn how to recover from setbacks and do it in the most effective way through coding. They learn how to accept their mistakes and not give up, but rather to learn from them. Additionally, they might learn that failure is a necessary component of progress because it offers a teaching opportunity. The biggest justification for teaching coding to kids is that they will learn that “debugging” the code is half the pleasure, not a chore.

Coding teaches how to think ?

Computer programming is more about your capacity to think than it is about executing lines of code. Your students will learn how to think critically and creatively as they learn to code. It involves using logic. To handle a complex issue successfully, programmers typically take a look at the problem as a whole and then divide it into manageable components.

Programming is present and programming of future

Coding or programming, is seen as a crucial ability in this developing era because it is used by a variety of firms, not only those in the technology industry. A child who learns to code will benefit from having more job opportunities in the future, whether they are in the health field, the technology industry, finance, retail, or anywhere else. Children should learn how to code for this reason.

How should kids learn to code ?

what are the benefits of learning to code ?

If you start off too quickly, your kids will become impatient. The entire procedure should be enjoyable. Therefore, it is advised to do things slowly, learn new things over time, and finish little jobs as you go. You should do the following to teach your children how to code:

Introduce the basics first

To understand a concept, it is essential to understand its base. Your children can learn about coding by reading or watching various videos. All the basics of coding are covered in several books and articles. There is a wealth of information on YouTube if your child prefers to learn through watching and listening to videos.

Try something small

As they discovered that coding is the foundation for different robots, video games, and movies, your children are eager to learn more and are prepared for it. Giving them a challenging assignment will likely aggravate them. The open-world adventure game they’re working on shouldn’t be their first endeavor. Begin by offering them a modest gift. In order to keep students interested and motivated before they fully enter the programming world, this is the best strategy.

What is the best coding language for kids ?

As we have discussed, learning to code is important, but choosing which language to begin with might be challenging. Some languages are simpler than others, but some have more uses. This post highlights a few languages that are appropriate for your child.


what is the best coding language for kid ?

Python programming language is as simple to read as spoken English. It is frequently utilized in the real world and is simple to learn and practice. Many programs can be made using its resources. It already has common functionality built in. It is ideal for kids because of all these features.


Java Programming

Java programming, or programming in any language, develops both strong logical reasoning abilities and creativity. A problem can frequently be approached and solved in a number of different ways. Finally, cooperation skills are developed by aspiring programmers through group classes and projects. Professional software engineers frequently collaborate in teams to plan projects, produce code, review work, and resolve issues. Therefore, one of the most important abilities a software engineer may acquire is cooperation.



Many children do not find the perfect opportunity to learn to code, but the Suvidha Foundation brings new hope into their lives. An online coding school named CodeKaroYaaro is a great platform for children of all ages to learn coding. With a motto for code changes, Code Karo Yaaro brings online coding classes for kids at a very nominal course fee, which is almost 1/3rd of any other coding class. Not just that CodeKaroYaaro offers a free trial class to everyone. Here, you can find a variety of interesting coding courses.

CodeKaroYaaro has the following features that differs them from any other institute -

1. 1 -one- 1 Interactive sessions

2. Instant doubt solving

3. Learn how to brainstorm ideas

4. Affordable fees

5. Quality education

6. Mentor support for kids

For more details, Contact CodeKaroYaaro here -

Suvidha Foundation

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