Where Can I Learn To Code Online ?

Arijit Sanyal
7 min readJan 4, 2023


— By Arijit Sanyal

As we spend more time at home in 2020, an increasing number of people are expanding their skill sets online. Online education is reasonably priced, adaptable, and simple to tailor.

Online learning has apparent advantages, but it also has significant outcomes for students, remote employees, academics, and builders. I even used the resources listed below to teach myself new technical abilities.

I created a website from scratch to allow people and students to work remotely as a result of what I learned. Really nice, no?

You too may attain learning outcomes that transfer into right away results and assist you in creating goods with the appropriate resources and tools.

But it’s difficult to gather all the necessary resources for improving your knowledge in one spot. I hope you can start learning to code sooner by making it simple to access all of the resources you need in one post, which is what this article does.

How Do I Start Coding ?

Some people have reservations about online education. The conventional wisdom holds that you require individualized instruction, immediate feedback, and peer collaboration.

But what’s this? These essential advantages are now available online. One of my closest friends works in law rather than technology. He spoke to me about his use of the Socratic method while in law school.

He was able to better recall the information, comprehend the fundamental ideas, and practice thanks to this cooperative argumentative discourse between persons that was built on asking and responding to questions to promote critical thinking.

These websites provide users a similar set of user experiences: you are compelled to learn, practice, participate, really code, see your errors, recognize your accomplishments, and monitor your progress.

These websites sharpen your critical thinking abilities much like the Socratic method does. Additionally, they are tireless in their pursuit of enhancing your general ability to spot issues, spot trends, and ultimately advance.

Here are the top free, trustworthy, instructive websites for learning how can I teach myself to code ?

1. FreeCodeCamp

A non-profit organization in the United States called freeCodeCamp is committed to assisting people in learning to code for nothing.

They have helped 40,000 learners land their dream careers in organisations like Google, Spotify, Microsoft, and more with their material, which includes interactive coding classes accompanied by videos and articles.

By finishing courses in a variety of categories, you can earn certifications. Web design, quality control, data visualisation, machine learning, and other topics are covered in the content provided by freeCodeCamp.

2. Coursera

For students, workers, or managers looking to advance their careers or stay current in their areas, this website is one of the best resources available.

On practically anything you want to learn, it provides free courses, tutorials, and a ton of materials. Professors from the best colleges in the world have assembled and are teaching these possibilities.

Coursera has a huge selection of programming-related content. It’s important to note that Coursera has a barrier if you desire certifications.

The introduction to programming, HTML, CSS, Internet of Things (IoT) programming, C language, Python, Java, and more can all be learned for free at the basic level or above.

3. Codecademy

The platform for learning to code is called Codecademy. On their website, they claim that in just seven years, 45 million students have improved their coding abilities.

To determine which level is ideal for you, you can begin your Codecademy learning adventure by assessing your coding prowess. Alternately, if you’re a beginner, get ready to start coding right now.

By using their learning programme, you can learn by doing, or as they say, “practice makes perfect.” You may be sure that you are correctly applying what you are learning by immediately evaluating your coding skills.

A website devoted solely to learning how to code is called Codecademy. In just seven years, 45 million students, according to its website, have improved their coding abilities.

By assessing your coding progress and determining which level is ideal for you, you can begin your Codecademy learning adventure. You might also get ready to start coding right away if you’re a beginner.

Since practice makes perfect, their learning programme enables you to learn by doing. You can be confident you are correctly applying what you are learning thanks to the rapid testing of your coding abilities.

4. Udemy

With the widest selection of courses in the globe, Udemy is a quite special learning site. That’s because all of their information is contributed by users, so your instructor may be a subject matter expert, a professor, or another programmer.

There are several paid and free courses available in the field of web development. Make sure to look at other people’s ratings while selecting the course for you; this is typically a good indicator of how you should rank courses.

Then, progress from a beginning to a professional by learning design, information technology, and software development.

5. Udacity

The world’s largest collection of courses can be found on Udacity, making it a quite unique learning platform. The reason for this is that all of their content is user-generated, so your instructor may be a subject matter expert, a professor, or a fellow programmer.

Numerous both free and paid courses are available in the field of web development. Check the reviews that other people have left when selecting the course for you; these are typically a good indicator of the order in which you should priorities courses.

Then, advance from a beginning to a professional by studying Design, IT, and software development.

6. W3Schools

One of the biggest and oldest online universities is W3Schools. If you want to review contemporary educational practices, it’s really wonderful. I heartily endorse their SQL lesson. It helps you learn various syntaxes and commands repeatedly in addition to helping you learn how to code.

When I first started out, I would frequently consult their SQL documentation.

The resources on W3Schools will help you keep on top of your game at all times, even if you are a seasoned programmer. Additionally, they offer a respectable tutorial video library.

For a certification, you can always choose their paid alternative. But even if you’re just getting started, you may learn a lot from this platform. You will be coding in no time, whether you select HTML & CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, Java, or any of the many other languages offered.

A former coworker who was brushing up on his devops knowledge visited this website to learn how to setup an SMB server. In other words, the knowledge you may learn and practice is immediately useful.

Conclusion : How Do You Code ?

When you study online, you have the freedom to go at your own pace, go more thoroughly into the subjects that interest you, and use online communities to improve your comprehension of fundamental concepts.

It takes considerable investigation and educated guesswork to compile a list of the best resources. You must investigate, look around, and use the websites. While using this list as a guide, also conduct independent research.

These websites serve as both educational resources and standalone products. They therefore possess both strengths and room for development. I enjoy making things, and I’ve developed my skills and aptitude through using a variety of different websites.


Many children do not find the perfect opportunity to learn to code but Suvidha Foundation brings a new hope to their life. An online coding school named CodeKaroYaaro is a great platform for children of all ages to learn coding. With a motto coding changes tomorrow Code Karo Yaaro brings online coding classes for kids at a very nominal course fees which is almost 1/3 rd of any other coding classes. Not just that CodeKaroYaaro offers a free trial class to everyone. Here You can find a variety of interesting coding courses.


CodeKaroYaaro has the following features that differs them from any other institute -

1. 1 -one- 1 Interactive sessions

2. Instant doubt solving

3. Learn how to brainstorm ideas

4. Affordable fees

5. Quality education

6. Mentor support for kids

For more details, Contact CodeKaroYaaro here-


Suvidha Foundation http://suvidhafoundationedutech.org/

Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/codekaroyaaro/?igshid=1nb6afsffwzd

Instagram https://instagram.com/suvidha_mahila_mandal?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/67923520/admin/

YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GUyPIpdDVJQMugEtkH8Pw

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/codekaroyaaro

Twitter https://twitter.com/CodeKaroYaaro


Address — H NO. 1951, Near Water Tank Annamod, Khaparkheda, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 441102

