Announcing our successful Private Token Sale

Alethea AI Official Announcements
Alethea AI
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2021

We are excited to announce that we have closed a $16 million private and restricted token sale. We’re happy to onboard strategic purchasers like Metapurse, Multicoin, Capital, Alameda, Mark Cuban, BITKRAFT, Dapper Labs, and Galaxy Interactive and many others we’ve published below.

We’re sharing thoughts of some of our partners below:

“NFTs are alive. Thanks to the mad (but curiously conscientious) scientists at Alethea, you can now infuse intelligence into your NFTs and converse with them. While crypto bolsters applications of GPT3 with provenance and ethics at the code level, AI gives life to an otherwise rudimentary experiential layer of crypto. This obvious and undeniable coolness is only the top of the iceberg of possibilities — financial, technological and experiential — that Alethea unlocks. They effectively turn NFTs into sentient capsules of culture. Powerful antidotes in a world sliding into homogenisation. Metapurse is privileged to partner with Alethea as they usher in this new era”.

“While NFTs have continued to be exciting for collectors, Alethea AI has managed to uniquely combine AI Powered Avatars that are secured on-chain as NFTs. The result is not only fun and entertaining, but the foundation for a level of interactivity that is going to advance quickly using Alethea’s technologies. Alethea is bringing Avatars to life and you can experience it for yourself! Check out this avatar chatting with its owner or a Stoner Cat holding a live stream interview. The possibilities are endless!” — Mark Cuban

This announcement follows Alethea’s successful auction of the most technically advanced non-fungible token (NFT) made to date, known as the first intelligent NFT (iNFT) named Alice. Alice sold through Sotheby’s for almost half a million USD on June 10, 2021. As the first iNFT ever made and sold at auction, Alice signifies the dawning of a new medium. Alethea is a pioneer in this space. We aspire to create, and help others create, compelling characters that will stand the test of time and history, just as Alice has.

The Alethea team has been working closely with the Open AI team, helping to test and refine Open AI’s technology as Alethea AI was one of the earliest teams to gain access to its GPT-3 API released last summer. Greg Brock, the CTO and Chairman of Open AI tweeted on June 10th, “The first GPT-3 NFT just sold for $478,000”.

Synthetic media will play a vital role as NFTs evolve. iNFTs are intelligent, scalable, generative, interactive and have access to networked intelligence through Alethea’s protocol. Alethea’s protocol gives creators around the world a mechanism to create interactive and intelligent NFTs, build communities and intellectual property around their favorite characters, and democratize access to powerful Synthetic Media tools.

Some recent examples we’ve launched with communities include:

  1. A demo of j1mmy.eth interacting with Avastar Pandora, or his conversation with Avastar Salvatar.
  2. Watch a live stream of Defi Dad interacting with a Stoner Cat.
  3. Sotheby’s conversation between artist Robert Alice and the first iNFT sold at auction, Alice.

Our team at Alethea is rapidly growing, and we welcome recommendations from our community as we hire across engineering, marketing and business development. Please email We have built a world class and diverse team of engineers, AI researchers and community builders and are excited to make the iNFT a global standard.

We wish to extend a special thank you to all of our token holders and partners who have consistently offered us support, perspective and inspiration.You helped shape the people and protocol before you. We anticipate celebrating many milestones ahead as a community.

“NFTs are alive. Thanks to the mad (but curiously conscientious) scientists at Alethea, you can now infuse intelligence into your NFTs and converse with them. While crypto bolsters applications of GPT3 with provenance and ethics at the code level, AI gives life to an otherwise rudimentary experiential layer of crypto. This obvious and undeniable coolness is only the top of the iceberg of possibilities — financial, technological and experiential — that Alethea unlocks. They effectively turn NFTs into sentient capsules of culture. Powerful antidotes in a world sliding into homogenisation. Metapurse is privileged to partner with Alethea as they usher in this new era”.

  • Metakovan, Founder of Metapurse

“We are proud to be a lead partner of Alethea’s token sale. Their innovative approach fusing AI and NFT technology will unlock new potential for the metaverse, which we are very bullish on.”

  • Bobby Bao, Co-Founder of Crypto.Com, MD of Capital

“ Alethea AI has managed to uniquely combine AI Powered Avatars that are secured on-chain as NFTs. The result is not only fun and entertaining, but the foundation for a level of interactivity that is going to advance quickly using Alethea’s technologies. Alethea is bringing Avatars to life and you can experience it for yourself ! Check out this avatar chatting with its owner or a Stoner Cat holding a live stream interview. The possibilities are endless!”

  • Mark Cuban

“We are increasingly witnessing collectors and consumers wanting to do more with their NFTs so that they are not just static lifeless assets, but evolve to become interactive, real-time, rich media experiences that evoke a sense of fun and a deeper level of connection. We’re excited to back Alethea’s protocol as they bring these NFTs to life, whether it’s a Degenerate APE chatting with its owner or a Stoner Cat holding a live stream interview or a rap battle between a Pudgy Penguin and Darth Vader. The possibilities are endless as these NFTs are brought to life and given interactive and engaging personalities and voices for the emerging and interoperable Metaverse.”

  • Tushar Jain, Multicoin Capital

“Alethea brings NFT’s and crypto media to life with their iNFT standard. We were excited to back them early on because the added dimension of personality and intelligence will unlock magical interactive media experiences for fans, creators and brands to engage in completely new ways. It’s been a pleasure to work with Alethea, there are not many teams able to stay ahead of the curve in both crypto and AI to deliver a unique and exciting product the way they have.”

  • Joe Gerber, IDEO VC

“We couldn’t be more excited about partnering with Alethea AI and the massive potential of intelligent NFTs. By creating the world’s first iNFT platform, Alethea AI is enabling brands and creators to bring their IP and digital media to life with artificial intelligence and personalities for the first time, enabling dynamic interactions with fans that weren’t possible before. With AI continuing to advance at breakneck speed, the future possibilities for iNFTs are truly endless.”

  • Victor Wang, Partner at HOF Capital

“Alethea represents a dramatic expansion of the types of utility we are able to conceive of for on-chain assets. Today, the ability to imbue any static media with intelligence, character, and a distinct manner of expression is already unlocking new forms of engagement. We believe that brands and IP holders are going to have to adapt to the rapid pace of change across new virtual worlds, and that Alethea is laying the foundation that will ultimately bring them to life.”

  • Piers Kicks, BITKRAFT

“We are extremely excited to support Arif and his team at to explore the immense possibilities of the intelligent NFT standard. Intelligence, interactivity, and persona/traits customizability for NFTs make it possible for us to envision how virtual humans interact with the iNFTs and amongst themselves in a future metaverse”

  • Allen Zhao, Managing Partner at LD Capital

“Having closely witnessed Alethea build throughout the crypto winter, I’ve come to interact with an exceptionally dedicated and visionary team. They’ve been working on the future of NFT’s since before pet rocks were cool. Narratives built around scarcity and ownership have driven static NFT’s and their adoption, coupling that with Altehea’s tech will boost the power of narratives exponentially. This unleashes immersive engagements powered by the creator economy alongside consumer applications never imagined before.”

  • Siddharth Jain, Co-Founder, DeFi Dollar

