Why out of earth species came to earth?

Arina Singh
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Once upon a time, there were buddhist monks meditating on the mounts of Tibet. No one knew why there is a group of humans that would go so deep inside themselves, but the monks understood (it was because they wanted to understand themselves). Through this meditation, the monks managed to laser beam their concentration into the higher realms (because we are all creators of our own universes and monks focused on themselves) and there, our thoughts, their consciousness and collective consciousness was heard through by Out of Earth Species (OES) that could receive such frequencies. Aliens couldn’t understand why do we have anger and we struggle with ourselves and each other, so they came to earth through soul reincarnations or various other ways that may not be mentioned in this story, to learn about human experience, to learn basically “What is war?”

So each time OES went to war zones, the wars just disappeared and no one could understand why wars are leading to resolution. Politicians, news outlets, journalists, heads of nations, were all confused but they could see their own tendency towards war is diminishing, so human mind perceived the peace as something from this world and brought by negotiation so they published a book called “Art of Negotiation”. OES reincarnated in men and women and other genders to understand romantic conflicts and it lead to babies being born and generational conflicts getting resolved, so eventually peace on earth was brought and OES left to their homes.

Alternate reality ending #2:
Idea of soulmate was generated. For each human, there was an EOS, so they fell in love, reproduced and a half human half EOS was born which continued their journey of heaven on earth.

Alternate reality ending #3:
Soulmates created half OES, half humans baby and instead of heaven on earth, OES found their way back to their root home which was out of this world hence monks were born again. Monks eventually understood where did they come from and why they were meditating.




Arina Singh

Shenanigan Artist (short story writer, music producer, painter etc.) - all things creative