AI Lawyers — Humans face increased worries about being replaced by robots at work.

Mirza Arique Alam - BongDelhite
4 min readAug 31, 2023


Humans face increased worries about being replaced by robots at work. This is because they can perform a plethora of tasks in a shorter period of time and at a higher level of consistency. Research suggests that automation is now beginning to disrupt areas requiring more complex human labor, even though automation was previously restricted to routine and clerical tasks.

However, the question I want to address in this article is — will AI Robots grab the jobs of human lawyers or legal practitioners, leaving them jobless? Let’s find out!

As a result of artificial intelligence (AI), various industries have undergone several changes, including the legal industry. Legal services are now being provided by “robot” lawyers using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Though not in entirety, AI Robots have taken a seat as an advisor to human lawyers in court. We have the World’s first AI-enabled robot lawyer suggesting to defendants what to say in a court case.

#The use of Robots in Legal Systems

It entails verifying financial and legal records to assess the risk of a proposed investment, investment, or product to all parties involved. An increasing number of companies are embracing AI Robots which have been designed to take the load off the should and complete tasks efficiently. Gartner Predicts Legal Technology Budgets Will Increase Threefold by 2025.

#Prediction of Final Verdict

By using AI in legal analytics, it is possible to predict what a judge might decide based on factors such as his/her decision-making pattern, the facts, and the historical case law. AI is already being used by some companies, such as Lexis Nexis. LexisNexis specializes in providing legal, regulatory, and business information solutions. It provides legal research databases, news and business information services, risk management solutions, and intellectual property services. Also, AI can suggest or advise lawyers and courts on language and precedent cases on which to base their arguments.

#Creation of Legal Contracts

Contracts can be created by AI tools and clauses checked to ensure they are within legal boundaries and compatible with previous agreements. People can use bots to help resolve legal matters in accordance with their circumstances and facts. It reduces operational costs and maximizes lawyers’ time, resulting in more accurate results.

#Humans are being replaced by Robots

It is important to consider the potential loss of jobs due to automation even though the technology is becoming more prevalent in law firms. The job of junior human lawyers is more likely to be automated. In order to embrace the benefits of automation, policymakers, and business leaders need to develop an implementation strategy that addresses employment concerns while also welcoming the advantages.

In the Legal System, Law Robots come with Pros & Cons

  • One of the key benefits of robot lawyers is that they are more affordable than traditional lawyers. Robot lawyers can handle more cases at once than human lawyers because they work faster and more efficiently. The cost of production and deployment of robot lawyers is also lower than that of human lawyers since robot lawyers do not need the same level of training and education as humans do. Small businesses and individuals without access to financial resources may be able to access legal services through this platform.
  • Legal advice can be rendered more precisely and accurately by AI robot lawyers. Humans are time bound. Whereas, AI lawyers can immediately recognize and analyze patterns and trends using large amounts of data. The use of AI robot lawyers makes legal advice more accurate and helps clients make more informed decisions. Also, robot lawyers can provide legal advice and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so clients can take advantage of their services whenever they want.
  • AI algorithms used by robot lawyers have the potential for bias, one of the major concerns of using Law Robots. A machine learning algorithm is only as unbiased as the data it is trained on, so if the data is biased, the algorithm will be biased as well. Individuals and society as a whole may suffer from discrimination and unfairness in legal decisions. For robot lawyers to minimize this risk, diverse and representative data must be used to train them.

How Human Lawyers Can Retain Their Jobs?

First and foremost, human lawyers need not worry as they are not going to be jobless overnight. Yes, there are numerous concerns about the potential impact of AI lawyers on the legal profession. The first and most concerning is the loss of jobs for human lawyers. However, human lawyers are irreplaceable and will always be required to provide specialized legal services that require human judgment and experience even though robot lawyers can handle a large volume of cases at a lower cost than human lawyers.

Simply put, artificial intelligence and machine learning are here to make the lives of human lawyers easier and not be a replacement.

An AI Robot is as Smart & Efficient as a Human Trains it to be!

Robot lawyers require monitoring and maintenance by human lawyers, creating new job opportunities in the legal industry. It is possible for companies and governments to work together to educate and train workers for automation jobs, such as data scientists and business translators, which are experiencing a shortage. These steps can be bolstered and achieved through policies and campaigns while addressing labor deployment challenges resulting from automation as well.

Will AI Robots provide Justice in Court in the absence of Human Lawyers?

Legal services will be provided by AI robot lawyers at a lower cost, more accurately, and round the clock. However, human lawyers getting completely replaced by AI lawyers is far from the truth. AI robots will certainly find a chair in court to act as advisors.



Mirza Arique Alam - BongDelhite

Passionate AI & ML Writer and Published Author 📚 📝 Creating engaging and informative content at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and technology.