One of my memorable feedback

Arisky Sistita Berliana
1 min readApr 3, 2022


This might not be the best feedback I‘ve ever recieved but this was absolutely one of the most memorable feedback.

When I was in high school, I attended a boarding school. At that time I was in the Koran class, my teacher asked the students one by one to stand while reading the Koran to test us. After my turn was over, my teacher said that I should learn tones while reading and imitated people who were already good at reading. A few days after that, a classmate of mine compared my reading tone to that of my roommate’s melodious voice. That comment made me both hurt and humiliated. However, I wasn’t discouraged from continuing to learn and followed my teacher’s advice to learn to read with a good tone.

“Receiving constructive feedback is like getting an immunity shot. The initial pain feels unpleasant, but it protects us from getting into worse situations in the future.” -Danhelson Chua

