3 qualities of a successful person

The Aristippus Code
3 min readJan 24, 2023


When we look at successful people, we see roughly the same set of personality traits. Surprisingly, this set has not changed at all over the past millennia. In ancient times, as well as nowadays, the same traits are characteristic of leaders and winners.

Therefore, the sayings of modern business coaches are so similar to the guidelines of ancient philosophers. Psychology of success experts are only repeating what insightful thinkers knew long before our era.

This is best seen in the example of Aristippus of Cyrene. His philosophical Code, even centuries later, serves as an ideal model of behavior for entrepreneurs, startuppers and politicians.

To dispel the last doubts, let’s compare the statements of Aristippus with the current ideas about the main qualities of a successful person.

1. Persistence

Most major achievements in business, artistic endeavours and science are the result of perseverance and unwillingness to give in to difficulties.

Walt Disney was looking for investors for a theme park and got 302 negative answers. He did not give up at that moment, and today children are having so much fun in Disneyland.

Joanne Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book and was rejected by 12 publishers. The writer did not give up, and today the whole world is reading novels about the young wizard.

When Howard Schultz was developing a concept chain of cozy coffee shops, his proposal was rejected by 217 investors. He did not give up, and today millions of people buy coffee in Starbucks.

“About half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

“Be capable of persistently pursuing the goals you set.”

The first quote belongs to Steve Jobs, the second to Aristippus of Cyrene. These people are separated by thousands of years, but their views on the philosophy of success coincide completely.


2. Diligence

If you do not expect to win the lottery or inherit wealth, you will have to work hard to achieve high financial goals. And the larger your results are, the more efforts you will have to make in order not to lose what you have achieved.

Millionaires work an average of 60 hours a week, and billionaires sometimes work 70–80 hours. These people have a huge responsibility, because they manage companies with a large staff of employees and are personally responsible for the well-being of the business and the hired employees.

“Patience is a key element of success,says Bill Gates. In his words, an echo of the XVI guideline from the Aristippus’ Code is heard: “Be able to work long and hard to achieve results.”

3. Creativity

Those who have this quality are more likely to come up with something new, revolutionary. Such people look at familiar objects or phenomena from a different angle and often find unexpected, bold solutions.

From time immemorial, people have been carrying heavy suitcases in their hands, sweating and tensing their muscles. But in 1970, Bernard David Sadow saw an airport employee pushing a cart loaded with luggage through the hall. The idea flashed across Sadow’s mind — after all, one could attach wheels to a suitcase! The idea looked very simple, but no one had thought of making a suitcase on wheels before. Observation, coupled with creativity, allowed this American to patent an invention that millions of people use today.

“There’s no bad time to innovate”, says Jeff Bezos. And Aristippus reminds from the depths of the centuries: “Be able to create new ideas and effectively fulfill them in your life.”

Conclusion: the philosophy of Aristippus is not at all outdated and is just as valuable today as in ancient times. Follow the wise advice, develop leadership qualities — and the result will not be long in coming!

Read other articles in the series:

Collaboration: 5 rules for success

Personal development as a success factor

