Creativity: how to unleash your genius

The Aristippus Code
3 min readApr 3, 2023


Make sure that the process of creation is within your power.

In this article, we will look at several examples that will clearly show that each person can be a creative genius.

Creativity is the ability to create something new from old ideas and combine knowledge into a system in a way that no one has done before.

Professor of Psychology Barbara Alane Kerr believes that every infant is born with a certain set of creative abilities. However, during life, not all people are determined to develop their own creativity, or simply do not know how to do it.

Starting point — a great idea

Australian writer Markus Zusak rewrote his famous book “The Book Thief” between 150 and 200 times. He changed the order of chapters, wrote from a variety of different perspectives, wrote the story in the present tense narrative, then in the past tense narrative. Three years passed before the novel was published.

In the photo: Markus Zusak believes that failure motivates people to achieve their greatest successes. Negative experiences make us stronger and better, giving success more resonance.

The writer admitted that he had failed thousands of times during his work, but each defeat brought the moment of publishing a bestseller closer.

As a result of his creative approach, Zusak created a book that sold eight million copies. The novel was translated into 40 languages, and a movie was made in Hollywood.

The secret of creativity

The aforementioned simple example proves the truth: dreams won’t come true if you just think about them. Geniuses come to discoveries by reworking hundreds and thousands of times what was originally created.

Strength and perseverance help to rethink not only ideas, but also oneself as a person. Patient improvement allows perfecting skills and moving forward.

If you think that creativity is a modern concept and that nobody knew about it hundreds or thousands of years ago, then let us prove you otherwise. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene lived in North Africa c. 435 — c. 355 BCE, but he wrote about creativity even at those times. The sage encouraged people to come up with new ideas and apply them effectively in life.

How to create a masterpiece

To find a grain of gold in tons of ore, one needs to make a lot of effort. To develop your genius, you will need to sift tons of soil and sand, and after a while, you will certainly create something useful and important for other people.

3 steps to develop creativity:

1. Allow yourself to create what others might call junk or rubbish. You can paint ten pictures, but it won’t be until the eleventh that you find that shade of blue you’ve tried to find for decades.

2. Practice daily, force yourself to write, draw, sculpt or learn other languages. Don’t wait for inspiration, just do it over and over again. The key thing is to finish what you started. None of the writers or artists made a brilliant creation by being halfway to completion of their work.

3. Find like-minded people around you, people who will be interested in the same things as you. With their love and faith, they will support you at the right time. This extra pillar of strength will help bring creativity to the world that has long been in anticipation of your genius discovery.

There may be more than three steps to take in order to develop your creativity. The most important thing is not to stop, not to quit what you started, but to continue the daily process to reaching the highest point of your creativity.

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