Gain freedom from other people’s opinions

The Aristippus Code
3 min readAug 25, 2023


One of the eternal questions is: “What is needed for happiness?”. The most popular answers are love, money, family, health, but few talk about independence. However, it is independence that allows a person to choose the life one wants to lead. Don’t settle for less, don’t give in to negative influences, follow your inner voice. This quality will help you overcome any difficulty and become happier in many areas.

Independence from the opinions of others

“What will people think?” This thought damages our lives the most. It makes a person give up on true desires.

The situation when parents influenced the choice of career is familiar to many. For example, a young man dreams of becoming a musician. He knows all the Rolling Stones albums by heart, he draws musical notes on the margins of the notebook, and all day he anxiously waits for the evening when he can release the experienced emotions through a guitar solo. The career path seems to be obvious, but the parental phrase “you can’t make money with music” can easily turn a guy with a crushed dream into a successful, wealthy, but unhappy office worker.

People ignore their desires every day, spend a lot of money on a wedding to please relatives rather than going on a long-awaited honeymoon trip, do not dare to take on a new hobby because of self-limiting beliefs about their age or lack of talent imposed by the masses. People even hesitate to listen to music if society considers the performer mediocre.

It is important to remember that we all look at the world through a different lens of perception. Yet only you know what is best for you.

Parents want to ensure a great future for their children, but sometimes they may overlook the child’s talents and misguide him/her with their career advice. When it comes to choosing a career, listen only to your inner voice. Thank your family for showing care and continue doing what you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid of negative consequences. Your parents will always love you and be proud of you no matter what.

Don’t listen to those who talk you out of new experiences, be it a trip to an unusual country, a performance on stage or online dating. Most likely, they themselves are afraid to fulfill their desires. Set an example, inspire others to bold deeds and be inspired yourself.

Friends and family members may not always share your outlook on life, and this is normal. Find a like-minded person and support each other in your passion. That’s how you will become bolder and more confident.

Follow your desires and don’t let the people around you influence your life. By doing so, you will lead a calm and happy life.

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