Networking: 5 important principles

The Aristippus Code
3 min readDec 19, 2022


Laws of business communication for the expansion of business connections.

Network weaving

Every day we expand business contacts, meet and get to know people at conferences and seminars, during negotiations. This helps to resolve important issues, find partners, establish cooperation or select qualified personnel more quickly. Anglicism “networking” literally means “network weaving”. According to LinkedIn statistics, up to 85% of vacancies are filled through personal acquaintances.

Networking is, first and foremost, the ability to communicate. The basic principle that will lead to success was formulated several centuries before our era by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus, the founder of the Cyrenaic school. “Be open and sincere when communicating with other people,” — says the eighth guideline of Aristippus, which he called “Open-mindedness”. His Code represents 24 short guidelines, adherence to which will help improve both life and business.

Let’s combine ancient wisdom with modern practice and get the desired result — the expansion of the network of reliable partners.

So, 5 important principles of high-quality business cooperation for your confidence in the future:

1. Information about yourself — think it through

To make the potential partners interested in you, provide them with information that will be useful. Personalize yourself — this will attract attention and help the interlocutor remember you better.

Follow the advice of Aristippus, be open and sincere, think about the impression that social media create about you. An account that makes it impossible to understand what kind of person you are does not work in networking.

Set up an automatic e-mail signature. Clearly and concisely indicate the name, job position, contacts, links to social media accounts and photos. The same applies to the business card and resume.

2. Collect information about others

When communicating with colleagues during conferences, presentations, negotiations, not only exchange business cards, but also make notes about their hobbies, priorities, communication features, important dates. It is impossible to memorize such information, but it will help to establish closer contact at the next meeting. Everyone is pleased when a recent acquaintance remembers personal details or wishes you a happy birthday. This evokes reciprocal sincerity and trust. Thus, you will lay a solid foundation for cooperation.

3. Use the 48-hour rule

Within two days after meeting, contact the person and remind him/her of yourself. In such a way you will demonstrate that the interlocutor is important to you and you want to continue communication. You can write an e-mail and thank for the conversation, call him/her, send a message in the messenger. The main thing is to encourage continued contact.

4. Address a person by his/her name

Psychologists who study the peculiarities of social interaction have discovered a simple pattern: the most pleasant thing for a person is the sound of his/her name. The more often you address a person by his/her first name in a conversation, the more positive the communication will be. Before the meeting, be sure to check the name of your interlocutor. An impersonal address, and even more so a mistake in the name or middle name, can nullify all previous efforts to establish contacts.

5. Follow the rules of communication

To make a meeting with a potential partner successful, approach it not as an unpleasant task, but as a pleasurable activity. This means that you should not talk just about business. Tell the interlocutor about yourself, ask about hobbies, find common ground.

Always listen to what your partner has to say. In the today’s oversaturated information field, few people have the opportunity to unhurriedly talk about themselves. Let the person talk, and he/she will be grateful to you.

As Aristippus advised, be open, sincere and honest.

As we can see, the process of establishing bilateral, constructive working relations does not require much effort, but gives an effective result. Many centuries before our era, ancient philosophers proclaimed the value of open and honest human communication in any sphere. Modern experts confirm this truth. HR specialists consider the ability to communicate an important factor that positively affects career.

History and modernity have found a common language.

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