Successful work with clients: advice and strategies

The Aristippus Code
2 min readMay 16, 2023


According to statistics, it is 6–7 times cheaper for entrepreneurs to retain existing clients than to attract new ones. The Harvard Business School found that the ability to maintain and improve relationships with loyal clients can increase a company’s profits by up to 95%.

If you are engaged in commerce and work with people, it is worth listening to Aristippus’ guidelines. The lines written thousands of years ago fit perfectly with modern business strategies. In this article, we will talk about how the ancient philosophy helps to build strong relationships with clients.

Show care

Emphasizing the importance of respect, Aristippus instructs: “Be caring, kind and attentive to other people.”

In these difficult times, a customer-oriented business is more likely to survive. If you first create a product, and then think about who to sell it to, this is a risky approach. It is much more reliable to proceed from the desires and needs of the client audience. You have to give people exactly what they want, and ideally, exceed their expectations. Feeling genuine concern from your side, clients will be more willing to cooperate with you and less likely to go to competitors.

According to Deloitte, customer-centric companies earn 60% more than those that do not focus on the interests of consumers. Therefore, it makes sense to carefully study clients in order to meet their needs and desires.

How to win over clients?

First and foremost, do your best to save their time and effort. Do not allow clients to figure out complex and incomprehensible things themselves. Give detailed instructions and recommendations, list each action step by step.

Stay in touch and do not shy away from communication. It is not necessary to wait for calls around the clock, but during the daytime be ready to answer questions, listen to complaints and suggestions.

If you have taken a long-term order, it does not hurt to periodically notify clients about the progress of the work. Clients will be grateful to you that they do not have to call and find out the details that interest them.

Finally, give clients a little more than what the terms of cooperation provide. Suggest a solution to a problem, bring them to the right people, share relevant information about new products in the industry. This will strengthen their trust in you and will have a beneficial effect on future business relationships.

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