The great legacy of Aristippus — the wisdom of the philosopher

The Aristippus Code
3 min readJun 21, 2022


Every individual is the heir of ancient knowledge. The priceless information of ancient philosophers is as relevant as it was thousands of years ago. Centuries-old wisdom fits brilliantly into the style of the modern times and the way of thinking.

Therefore, let us turn to the knowledge of the ancient Greek thinker — Aristippus.

In the photo: Aristippus — philosopher, founder of hedonism (c. 435 — c. 355 BC).

Aristippus of Cyrene was a pupil of Socrates. He lived in Cyrene, Athens, Aegina, he passed part of his life at the court of the Sicilian commander Dionysius the Elder.

He never abandoned his philosophical views and developed the views of his teacher throughout his life. He was called the “teacher of virtue” and was considered a virtuoso of philosophy. According to the founder of the school of Cyrenaics, the ship is owned not by someone who does not sail on it, but the one who knows how to sail in the right direction.

The Cyrenaics (Ancient Greek: Σχολή της Κυρήνης) was a Greek school of philosophy for students and followers of Aristippus.

Aristippus summarized the vast experience of his teachers, friends and compatriots. When you get acquainted with the philosophy of Aristippus, you will be amazed at how useful his knowledge is. The guidelines of the thinker help to solve the problems of today and tomorrow.

Wise quotes attributed to Aristippus:


The art of life lies in taking pleasures as they pass… It is not abstinence from pleasures that is best, but mastery over them without being worsted. Wisdom is thus no sober kill-joy.


The man of learning is the only person in the world who is neither a stranger when in a foreign land, nor friendless when he has lost his intimates and relatives; on the contrary, he is a citizen of every country, and can fearlessly look down upon the troublesome accidents of fortune.


He who thinks himself entrenched in defences not of learning but of luck, moves in slippery paths, struggling through life unsteadily and insecurely.


Those who eat most, and who take the most exercise, are not in better health than they who eat just as much as is good for them; and in the same way it is not those who know a great many things, but they who know what is useful who are valuable men.

In the photo: the great thinker Aristippus believed that children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

Use the legacy of the great philosopher Aristippus!

Throughout his life, the philosopher urged to acquire knowledge in order to feel at ease in society and achieve success. Thousands of years have passed since then, but thoughts of Aristippus are still relevant today.

The Aristippus’ Code is a set of valuable rules and laws of life that will help humanity achieve financial security and prosperity.

In the next article, you will learn about the first guideline with which the great thinker began his code.

Read also:

What are codes and why are they needed?

