5 Time Management Mistakes That Kill Productivity

2 min readJan 16, 2024


Do you ever feel like your schedule is spiraling out of control? Are you struggling to manage your time effectively at work? It’s a common challenge, but the good news is you can regain control and boost your productivity by addressing common time management mistakes.

5 Time Management Mistakes That Kill Productivity

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the desire to be productive often clashes with the reality of feeling busy without achieving much. Your productivity hinges on effective time management. Let’s explore some prevalent time management mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Don’t Let Your Inbox Dictate Your Priorities

Starting your day by diving into your inbox and responding to emails as they arrive can set you up for distraction and reduced productivity. Instead, employ strategies like creating a to-do list at the end of your workday, turning off email alerts, and checking your inbox at scheduled intervals.

2. Say No to Multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not an efficient way to work. Research shows it increases stress, decreases productivity, and hampers cognitive abilities. Embrace techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, shut off unnecessary screens during video calls, and use messaging app statuses to avoid interruptions.

3. Distinguish Between Urgent and Important

Former President Dwight Eisenhower’s wisdom on differentiating between urgent and vital tasks remains relevant. The Eisenhower Matrix can guide you in prioritizing tasks effectively:

  • Urgent and Important: Do it now.
  • Important but not Urgent: Schedule it.
  • Urgent but not Important: Delegate it.
  • Not Important or Urgent: Don’t do it.

Avoid falling into the trap of focusing solely on urgent but unimportant tasks by using this matrix.

4. Tackle Procrastination Head-On

Procrastination is an emotion regulation issue, not just a time management problem. Overcome this by adopting strategies such as the “Eat the Frog” approach, starting small, and seeking help or training when needed.

5. Don’t Try to Do Everything Yourself

Recognize that there are only 24 hours a day, and trying to do everything yourself can limit your productivity. Delegate tasks, automate where possible, and consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle administrative work. This will free up your time for more strategic and valuable contributions to your work.

The Bottom Line: Supercharge Your Productivity

Admitting there’s a time management issue is the first step towards improvement. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing the suggested strategies, you can regain control of your schedule, focus on critical tasks, and supercharge your productivity. The time to start is now.




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