The Power of Storytelling in Nonfiction Writing

Aris Zavitsanos
5 min readMar 29, 2023

The Importance of Storytelling in Nonfiction

Stories have been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of civilization. Our brains are wired to understand and process information in the form of stories. This is why storytelling has become a powerful tool for writers, even in the realm of nonfiction writing. By weaving together facts, emotions, and experiences, nonfiction writers can create a compelling narrative that not only educates but also entertains and inspires readers.

Storytelling is an art with many parts working in conjunction. Organizing these components can be rigorous and time-consuming; my desk is always covered in sticky notes, note cards, journals, and scraps of paper. Writing and art, in general, are messy, so don’t worry if you feel like everything is all over the place; sometimes, we need to look at the whole, no matter how disorganized it may look. Photo by AnnaStill

The Science Behind Storytelling

Studies show that our brains are naturally inclined towards narratives. When we hear a story, our brain releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with empathy and trust, which helps us connect with the characters and events. This, in turn, makes the story more memorable and influential. If you find this as interesting as I did here is a link to the research behind our oxytocin releasing reaction to storytelling. What a mouth full!

I don’t know why, but when I discovered that stories trigger the release of oxytocin, something clicked on a fundamental level. I have always read that storytelling has been a part of human culture since the dawn of time, and the fact that there is chemical evidence behind why we are so drawn to stories further explains why. Photo by ktsimage

The Art of Storytelling in Nonfiction



Aris Zavitsanos

Up and coming sci-fi/fantasy author on the quest to publication. Documenting the journey from zero to hero, or, more accurately, un-published to self-published!