Feb 4, 2021


It hurts to see you sad;
I wish I could hear your mind;
Just as I wish I could feel your pain;
Bitterness is not meant for us.

Spill it out
That's when I could help
Say it all;
That's when the problem could be solved;
Let it out
It relieves you of the stress.

Depression is dangerous and unhealthy
Just when it can be healed by voicing out;
Giving up is not an option
Just when it can be sorted;
Do you know nothing is new again?

Even though you find it hard to trust;
God as given us a comforter
Holy Spirit our best friend;
Engage him at all time and you will be relieved;
Spill it out now!!
Many await your manifestation
Many await the best in you
Our love for you is real.



A writer,Poet and a Nurse, aspiring personal development trainer