Linked List: The Complete Guide to Linked Lists, Their Uses and What You Need to Know

Arjun M S
3 min readMar 7, 2022


Linked List

What is a Linked List?

A linked list is a linear data structure that consists of a group of records, called nodes, each pointing to the next node by means of a pointer. Each node has two parts: the data and the link. The data is what the node stores and the link points to the next node in line.

A linked list is an ordered set of nodes that are connected by one or more links. A link is a reference to another node in the list so that when you follow it you go to its successor.

The first element in a linked list is always its head (or front). The last element in a linked list is always its tail (or back).

How Can I Create A Linked List?

A linked list is a type of data structure where each element points to the next. It is a linear data structure in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations.

The first element points to the second, and the second points to the third, and so on. This means that adding or removing an item from the beginning of the list requires updating every subsequent link.

Linked lists are often used in computer programs because they are easy to implement and provide fast access to any element within them.

Uses of Linked List

Linked lists are a data structure that can be used to store and access data sequentially. Linked lists are advantageous because they are easy to implement and allow for quick insertion or deletion of nodes.

The linked list can be used for many things such as files on a computer, a grocery shopping list, or even a phone call log.

Linked Lists vs Arrays

Linked lists are a linear data structure that is used to store a series of data in order. They are different from arrays, which are a two-dimensional data structure that stores the same series of data in order.

Linked lists have some advantages over arrays:

  • They can be used to represent nonlinear structures like cycles and trees.
  • They require less memory than arrays once they grow beyond a certain size.
  • They can be implemented more efficiently on some machines such as linked list implementation on the stack or heap.
  • They have a better locality of reference than arrays when they are traversed sequentially.

The disadvantages of linked lists include:

  • It is difficult to insert or delete elements at arbitrary positions in the list without rearranging

Conclusion of the Guide to Linked Lists:

This guide has covered how to create and modify linked lists as well as the various operations that can be performed on them. We hope it has been helpful in understanding the basics of linked lists.

