Crypto Theses for 2019

My thoughts on the state of crypto in 2018 and where we’re headed

Arjun Balaji
31 min readJan 1, 2019
What exploring cryptocurrencies in 2018 feels like.

As another year wraps up, I started writing an email to close friends and investors on the “state of crypto” and my forecasts. As it got longer, it turned into this sprawling post. A few notes:

  • This write up contains wide-ranging theses and obvious biases (my own) and is by no means authoritative. Please don’t nitpick.
  • Where I make predictions, I try to be as specific as possible (inspired by SlateStarCodex’s format). Not all predictions are quantifiable. Some will be off and many will likely be directionally incorrect. That’s OK.
  • Unless otherwise specified, my criteria for a liquid, actively-traded project “dying” is either (1) < $100k volume/$20m market cap or (2) primary development abandoned, whichever comes first.
  • None of these predictions are normative; in many cases I see momentum in products or approaches I consider fundamentally flawed. C’est la vie—this is an attempt at a descriptive 2019 outlook.


  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Other Tokens
  • Private Projects
  • Stablecoins
  • Crypto-funds



Arjun Balaji

professional risk taker. enjoy: markets, watches, meta-twitter, and documentaries. open-sourcing my thinking