GitHub Copilot: Pros vs Cons

Arjun Sharda
2 min readSep 14, 2022

This article will be revolving around GitHub Copilot, and my opinion of if you should it or not with the pros and cons, as a GitHub Copilot user.

  1. Pro: Available on multiple IDEs

One really good pro is that GitHub Copilot is available on multiple IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code and JetBrains.

2. Pro: Supports a lot of languages

GitHub Copilot supports HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, etc! This is really good.

3. Free for verified students, teachers, and popular open source mantainers

GitHub Copilot is free for verified students and teachers, for how long you hold the position as a teacher/student, and is free for popular open source mantainers aswell! You will get to see if you are eligible on the page on the billing page.

4. Pro: Good suggestions

Personally copilot has a lot of good suggestions. In my opinion, they are more “accurate” in backend.

5. Pro: Cost

GitHub Copilot is currently 10$/month or 100$/year. This is pretty decent for the suggestions, languages, and IDEs it supports.

6. Pro: Listens to comments

GitHub Copilot listens to comments if i’m right and can generate code just from a comment.

7. Con: Gets incorrect code at times

Personally in frontend development i’ve seen GitHub give incorrect code at times with wrong indentation and syntax errors, with extra unneeded text as well in the code.

In my opinion, GitHub Copilot is worth it with the pricing and its features. However, it is not always accurate, and you will need to treat suggestions with caution. All this information I provided is accurate as of September 14, 2022 and this is a pros and cons based on my opinion.



Arjun Sharda

Founder | Tech Entrepreneur | Full-stack Developer | Author | Speaker