Why I am better than you?

Arka Das
2 min readNov 11, 2016

Yes, I am better than you. No, I am not as intelligent as you are. Neither I possess supreme intellect nor my morning mirror likes to greet me. That was a bad attempt to beautify writing. In short, I look aghast.

Coming back to point, I am less voracious reader than you, have zero knowledge on history, politics, society, sports, Big Bang, X-23, Trump’s golden hair and Hillary’s vivacious smile.

I am ordinary man far from being jack of all trades and definitely master of nothing. But, I am better than you.

Because, I am happy.

And I do not complain. OK. That was hyperbole. On a serious note, my effort of not complaining is the secret sauce of happiness.

I take responsibility of my mistakes and I do not slap me for being flawed. Situation gets overwhelming and I let them go. Without finding any excuses to escape, I introspect them in leisure. Thorough analysis helps me to find the loopholes and I stand myself at the brink of self discovery.

All these make me happy and serene and I remain better than you. One simple hack free from tons of eye dropping psychological researches. Try today. You can always slam me here @arka_learner .

Image Courtesy- quickmeme.

