A Future of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains

3 min readJan 9, 2018


What is the real world use case for ACES? The real world use case may not have arrived quite yet, but it’s fast approaching.

We see hundreds of different teams building projects, raising money to build and launch independent blockchains. Some projects exist on popular blockchains like ARK, Ethereum or NEO, and others still create their own currencies like WaltonChain and IOTA. We can easily envision a future where household applications, media, and retail stores are driven by blockchain technologies. If it wasn’t dead already, a future with a single coin ‘winner’ was cold stiff by the end of 2017.

The future will be driven by many thousands of product specific blockchains. It is going to be exceedingly frustrating to consumers if we don’t do something about disconnected blockchains soon, because the technologies are coming around the corner at blazing speeds.

By the time 2020 rolls around, the average consumer will be interacting with at least one blockchain on a daily basis. By 2025, blockchain applications will be ubiquitous. Consumers may not even realize they are utilizing a blockchain, but they will be very aware that the world is blockchain powered. A portion of their banking applications will be driven by a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. A transactional coin will be central to their interaction with the rest of the blockchain world. They may not receive their paychecks in this currency, but they will likely have a portion of their wealth allocated to this coin as a store of value and key to interacting with the blockchain world.

From here, interoperability software like ACES will translate their coin of choice to call functions and create contracts with other blockchains. While accessing private locations, shopping, driving, saving pictures for social media, and investing in stocks, consumers will be utilizing the specialized services of many independent and unconnected blockchains. They will not need to own any of these coins when interacting with those services since the service provider will be doing Just-In-Time coin inventory management for the consumer.

Consumers will own a portfolio of coins: a primary coin they hold and use for real world interactions, leveraging interoperability services like ACES to interact with other blockchains as needed, and secondary coins minimize portfolio variance and to provide ACES services for passive income and participate in service demand speculation. The primary coin functions like cash in today’s world, the secondary coins function like assets in an investment portfolio, providing savings and return on investment. All of these coins will have to be connected, or interacting with the world will be very overwhelming and frustrating.

ACES will play an important role in the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. ACES is software to connect coins in a way to resolve to oncoming problem of blockchain disconnection. ACES is not a coin. There was never an ICO and there is no profit to be made. Many have asked how ACES compares to services like ShapeShift, and the answer to that is that it’s not just about transferring coins and it’s not owned by one team. We care about connecting coins to utilize services that consumers face in the real and online worlds. We seek to work with all projects that have a coin, whether that coin is on a popular platform like ARK, Ethereum or NEO, or whether it is completely independent. Projects can connect to the world through ACES, and once connected there is a massive utility value introduced to the users of all cryptocurrencies.

If you would like to contribute to the ACES project or get in touch with us about connecting your project, please check out our Github repository or message us here on Medium.

