Arker: 3D progress update | July

4 min readJul 20, 2022


Hello Arkerians!

As you know, despite this bad times on the global market, we’ve been working hard on all of the game aspects like improving the global economics, improving 2D graphics and creating more game features. A few of those improvements are already live, and a few other ones will be announced and implemented in the following days.

Also, we been working on parallel on the 3D version of the game, build with Unreal Engine 5 and using triple A graphics for the game.

Start sharpening your swords, improving your skills and prepare for what’s to come!


At Arker everything is made in house, that means that we have more than 5 artist working at the same time designing the city, with all his streets, buildings, etc, the outside biomas, the characters and much, much more.

We think that the ecosystem and the atmosphere of the game are essential, but we also think that the characters (your characters) are the most important part of the design. Make your character of your own and unique will be the biggest part of the Arker experience.

We will like to show you guys just a small sneak peek of our 3D characters:

We cannot think on a “triple A” game without a proper map. The city of Ohm will become the heart and the center of the Arker metaverse, so we’ve designed it thinking on the importance that Ohm will take. In order to make the experience more complete, you will be able to dive into the streets of Ohm, move through buildings, battle other champions in the arena, help strangers complete quests for rewards, visit the market district to upgrade your weapons, and much more!


Yes, you guessed it, we already have the online mode in the 3D game.

If you want to meet your friends in-game, chat with them, defeat them (probably) or even partner with them in order to help complete their quests… All of that, and much more, are the infinite possibilities of the online Arker metaverse! So, prepare your friends, spread the word, because Arker has arrived to stay!

Move around the city while you encounter other players in realtime: chat, fight or partner with them to help complete their quests.


If you are wondering if the PVP arena is developed, the answer is YES. We have a totally playable PVP in real time waiting you to join with your friends (or enemies). Also all of that will be possible with your current Arker account! So, get ready, because Arker will be funnier than you ever thought!

We’re still finishing some touching details, and also integrating the quests and the new PVE mode, which you will need to go outside the city and explore to find enemies to defeat.


Are you afraid that the community could split in 2 different parts (2D and 3D)? It won’t! For those who don’t have a gaming computer or a high end laptop they can still be able to play Arker 2D, and yes, you can fight VS other players that are in the 3D arena. Cross-play between 2D and 3D is already here.


There is never a dull moment in Ohm City. Apart from everything you already know and the new things that we explain to you in this post, there are many other activities that you can do with your friends within Ohm to have fun, here are some examples:

Play football

Make graffitis


Stay tuned for more news about our 3D game and many other exciting things that we’re very eager to share with you!

Arker The Legend of Ohm is an online multiplayer game, currently available in its 2D version for Android, iOS, Windows and web devices. The 3D version is currently in development and will be available for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Oculus, and more.

