Empowering Independent Directors with GPT: A Vision for the Future

Anuraag Rai Kochhar, M.IOD
6 min readApr 7, 2024


Empowering Independent Directors with GPT: A Vision for the Future
Empowering Independent Directors with GPT: A Vision for the Future


The journey of becoming an Independent Director in India is challenging yet rewarding. It demands a deep understanding of corporate governance, legal responsibilities, and ethical conduct. This blog delves into the creation of a specialised GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) designed to assist aspiring Independent Directors, offering insights into its motivation, development, and potential impact on corporate governance.

The Inception of a Vision

My journey toward becoming an Independent Director was enlightening, pushing me to dive deep into the intricacies of corporate governance, legal frameworks, and ethical standards. As I navigated through the rigorous certification process, a light bulb went off in my mind. Why not leverage the advanced capabilities of GPT technology to aid others like me? This was the seed that grew into a specialised GPT designed for Independent Directors.

Crafting the GPT for Independent Directors

Creating this GPT was akin to nurturing a plant; it required patience, care, and constant attention. My aim was to build a comprehensive buddy system, an AI companion, that would assist candidates in acing their exams and guide them through the complex maze of corporate governance in their professional journey.

To ensure the GPT’s effectiveness, I anchored its training on the foundational pillars of the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI’s LODR Regulations 2015, along with their subsequent amendments. Through an iterative process of querying and feedback, the GPT was honed to reflect the nuanced realities of an Independent Director’s responsibilities.

Benefits of GPT

Here are some benefits that an Independent Director GPT brings to the table.

  • Streamlined Learning: Offers comprehensive, updated knowledge for exam preparation and board responsibilities.
  • Instant Information Access: Provides real-time updates on corporate governance and regulatory changes.
  • Enhanced Decision-making: Facilitates informed strategic decisions with AI-driven insights and analysis.
  • Efficiency in Research: Saves time and resources, allowing focus on strategic board activities.
  • Accessible Expertise: Promotes inclusivity by providing easy access to expert knowledge for current and aspiring directors.

The GPT as a Wingman in Corporate Governance

This journey culminated in a GPT that now stands as a reliable ally for current and aspiring Independent Directors. For example, when asked about the role of audit committees under the Companies Act 2013, the GPT provided a detailed explanation, citing the Act’s stipulations about the committee’s composition, responsibilities, and the importance of its independence in ensuring financial transparency and accountability.

Question: What is the role of audit committees under the Companies Act 2013? Give reference to the relevant sections in the Companies Act 2013.

Independent Director: The role of audit committees under the Companies Act 2013 is defined primarily in Section 177 of the Act. The audit committee is a key component in the corporate governance mechanism of a company, with the following major roles and responsibilities:

  1. Recommendation for Auditor Appointment: The audit committee recommends the appointment, remuneration, and terms of the appointment of auditors of the company.
  2. Review of Financial Statement and Audit Report: This section reviews and monitors the auditor’s independence, performance, and effectiveness of the audit process, including examining the financial statement and the auditors’ report thereon.
  3. Oversight of Financial Reporting Process: The committee oversees the company’s financial reporting process to ensure the balance, transparency, and integrity of published financial information.
  4. Approval of Transactions: It approves or modifies transactions with related parties and scrutinises inter-corporate loans and investments.
  5. Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls: The audit committee evaluates the company’s internal financial controls and risk management systems.
  6. Oversight of Vigil Mechanism: The committee also oversees the company’s vigil mechanism (whistleblower policy) and ensures that adequate safeguards are in place against the victimisation of persons who use this mechanism.
  7. Monitoring End Use of Funds: If the company has raised funds through public offerings, the audit committee monitors the end use of these funds.

The Companies Act mandates that the audit committee must have a minimum of three directors, with independent directors forming a majority. This ensures that the committee operates independently of management and can effectively perform its oversight role.

These responsibilities highlight the audit committee’s role in enhancing the trust and integrity of corporate reporting, which is fundamental for protecting the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders in the company.

In another instance, an aspiring director inquired about the intricacies of SEBI’s LODR Regulations concerning disclosure requirements. The GPT efficiently outlined the key obligations, illustrating how directors must ensure timely and accurate financial and other significant information disclosure.

Question: Please explain the intricacies of SEBI’s LODR Regulations concerning disclosure requirements, referring to the relevant sections in the LODR 2015.

Independent Director: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) Regulations, 2015, lays down comprehensive norms for the disclosure and transparency requirements for listed entities in India. These regulations ensure that all the market participants, including shareholders and investors, have access to timely, accurate, and adequate information regarding the listed entities. Here are some key aspects of the disclosure requirements under SEBI’s LODR Regulations:

  1. Continuous Disclosure Requirements (Regulation 30): Listed entities are required to disclose any material events or information, including but not limited to acquisitions, mergers, disposals, expansions, and other significant changes in the business that are likely to materially affect the price of the company’s securities.
  2. Financial Results (Regulation 33): The LODR mandates timely disclosure of quarterly, half-yearly, and annual financial results. This regulation ensures that the investors and the market have regular access to the company’s financial performance.
  3. Annual Report (Regulation 34): Listed entities must submit their annual reports containing audited financial statements, director’s reports, and other key management discussions and analysis to the stock exchange within the prescribed timeline.
  4. Corporate Governance (Regulation 24): This regulation requires listed entities to disclose their corporate governance practices in the annual report, including details on board meetings, various committees of the board, and their composition.
  5. Shareholding Pattern (Regulation 31): Companies must disclose their shareholding pattern every quarter, providing a breakdown of the shareholding of the promoters, public, and other non-promoter entities.
  6. Disclosures Related to Credit Rating (Regulation 55A): Companies must disclose the details of credit ratings they obtained, including any revisions therein.
  7. Related Party Transactions (Regulation 23): This regulation mandates detailed disclosure of all related party transactions, including the terms and conditions and the business rationale, ensuring that all transactions are conducted at arm’s length and in the company’s and its shareholders’ best interests.

These disclosures are intended to reduce the information asymmetry between the listed entities and the market participants, thus ensuring a level playing field for all investors. The LODR Regulations enforce accountability and transparency in the functioning of listed entities, contributing to the overall trust in the financial markets.

The intricacies of SEBI’s LODR Regulations ensure that entities adhere to a high standard of disclosure and transparency, thereby safeguarding investors’ interests and enhancing the integrity of the securities market.

Envisioning the Impact

This GPT isn’t just a repository of legal and regulatory information. It represents a new era in corporate governance training, offering a dynamic, accessible tool that empowers directors to fulfil their roles with informed confidence and ethical rigour.

Reflecting on the Transformation

My initiative to create a specialised GPT for Independent Directors marks a significant step towards transforming the corporate governance landscape. It democratises access to critical information and guidance, fostering a culture of informed decision-making and ethical practice in boardrooms.

Closing Thoughts

In retrospect, the creation of this GPT has been a profound journey. It blends technology with governance to create a resource that elevates the standards of corporate conduct. As this tool continues to evolve and assist more directors, I hope it will significantly contribute to cultivating transparency, accountability, and integrity in the business world.

Access the GPT by clicking here.


While care has been taken in training this GPT to ensure accurate and relevant information, readers are advised to note that the responses provided by the GPT are for informational purposes only and may not be entirely free from errors or inaccuracies. Readers are advised to independently verify the facts and information presented by the GPT before relying on them, especially for decision-making or advisory purposes.

About the Author

Anuraag is a visionary technocrat and certified Independent Director with nearly three decades of leadership in the global tech landscapes of India, the USA, Europe, and Southeast Asia. His expertise in solution architecture, software development, cloud computing, AI, data science, and blockchain seamlessly blends technological innovation with strategic corporate governance and business strategy.

Connect with Anuraag on LinkedIn or follow on Twitter.

#IndependentDirector #CorporateGovernance #CompaniesAct2013 #SEBILODRInsights #TransparencyInBusiness #GPTForDirectors #RegulatoryCompliance #CorporateEthics #BoardroomInnovation #CorporateLeadershipAI



Anuraag Rai Kochhar, M.IOD

Seasoned Technocrat & Certified Independent Director with expertise in Corporate Governance & Risk Management, Driving Technology Innovation & Leadership.