Real-time Object Detection: A Dive into YOLOv3 and OpenCV

MA Rahman
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Project Overview

Real-time object detection has become a critical technology in a society saturated with digital data, with applications ranging from security to augmented reality. Excited to learn more about this exciting topic, I set out to create a Real-time Object Detection System utilizing the YOLOv3 (You Only Look Once) deep learning framework and OpenCV. In this blog article, I’ll guide you through the code’s complexities, the problems encountered, and the excitement of seeing the system in operation.

The purpose of this project was clear: to develop a robust system capable of recognizing and categorizing several objects in live video feeds at the same time. The obvious choice was YOLOv3, recognized for its efficiency and precision. I set out to develop a solution that may find applications in surveillance, security, and beyond, using the pre-trained YOLOv3 model on the COCO dataset.

Preparing the Frame and Loading YOLO

The YOLOv3 weights and configurations were loaded initially using OpenCV’s dnn module. Armed with the model, I created a blob and assigned it as input to YOLO to prepare the live video frames.

Recognizing Objects

The true magic came when the model results were processed. I retrieved each detection's scores, class IDs, and confidence levels. A simple threshold guaranteed that only extremely confident detections passed, establishing the groundwork for precise object recognition.

Non-Maximum Suppression

I used OpenCV’s NMSBoxes function to implement non-maximum suppression to reduce clutter and duplication in the output. This phase guaranteed that the algorithm preserved just the most important bounding boxes, improving its accuracy.

The Outcomes and Insights

Seeing the technology in operation was an exhilarating experience. The real-time object recognition process went off without a hitch, with bounding boxes neatly framing recognized items. The algorithm effortlessly recognized and identified the items in the video stream, whether it was a chair, a monitor, or an oven.

The development of this Real-time Object Detection System was not without difficulties. Every step of the process, from fine-tuning settings for best performance to assuring compatibility between the YOLO model and OpenCV, taught me vital lessons in problem-solving.

Finally, the process of developing a Real-time Object Detection System was both difficult and wonderfully satisfying. This project not only expanded my knowledge of computer vision and deep learning but also demonstrated the value of perseverance.

