What Is Your Socio Sexual Hierarchy Rank?

Arlene McCaw
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Have you ever wondered how that a**hole always lands a girlfriend? It is said that there is a natural attraction to certain personality types in the socio sexual hierarchy, with Alpha male being at the top. Want to know where you fit in? There are six types of personalities according to the socio sexual hierarchy: Alpha, Sigma, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Omega. Read on to learn where you rank.

  1. Alpha — the Alpha male is what is commonly referred to as the “bad boy”. They are born leaders, good looking, charming, slightly (or mostly) aggressive, and highly social. Women are often attracted to the Alpha male for sex and mating — hence the phrase “alpha fucks, beta bucks”.
  2. Sigma — the Sigma male is usually introverted and doesn’t care about the social rules but are equal to the Alpha male on the hierarchy. Sigma males are quiet, confident and mysterious and are capable of drawing in a woman just as easily as the Alpha male, if their introversion doesn’t get the best of their social life.
  3. Beta — the Beta male usually works for the Alpha males. They usually don’t exude confidence like the Alpha and the Sigma and are passive with a low sense of self-worth. These males do not like risks and are loyal to a fault. They often tend to be secure, are nice guys and are generally happy.
  4. Delta — the Delta male is usually the hard-working normal dude. These men have very little confidence and struggle with finding relationships because of low self-esteem. Most men fall into this category. Most Delta males try to attract females of higher social hierarchy than themselves, but they don’t have much to offer them, so these relationships often fail due to insecurities that arise.
  5. Gamma — the Gamma male is at the bottom of the hierarchy. They are the liars, cheaters, stalkers, and narcissists that most women love to hate. Often masquerading as an Alpha, the Gamma male is intelligent, but in a cunning way. They may get the girl initially with their lies, the red flags are aplenty, and the mask comes off quite quickly.
  6. Omega — the Omega male is the exact opposite of the Alpha male. and is the lowest rank of the hierarchy. They are not a stereotypical male and usually do not care where they fit into the status. Don’t let that fool you. They are highly intelligent, attractive males, and are usually successful in their own right. They just choose not to conform to societal norms such as careers, marriage and family.

If you aren’t happy with where you rank in the socio sexual hierarchy, you can always improve your ranking now that you know the things that you need to work on. Unless of course, you identify as a Zeta male, who isn’t concerned with how you rank in the slightest, in which case, carry on.



Arlene McCaw

Blogger. Mom. Administrator. Lover of Sea Turtles. Experience in complicated life issues. Limited Edition.