Moolyacoin — What are the benefits of 6 startup communities?

1. How can moolya help ideators?

3 min readAug 27, 2018

They can converse on this innovative platform with other ecosystem users, connect with chapters and subchapters of their interest and use, transact, innovate, build, sell, explore, find investors, mentors and seek consultations. There are premium features to be paid for like — data insights, networking, experts consultations and others built on the platform.

2. How can moolya help startups?

The startups can maintain multiple online profiles and avatars, subject to KYC and address verifications and upgrade to premium for more exclusive features, purchase service cards, sign up for subscriptions and seeks services from experts. They can remain as anonymous and private as he deems fit. Startups and their founders can converse on with other ecosystem users, connect with chapters and subchapters of his interest and use, transact, innovate, build & sell, explore, mentors and seek consultations, while focusing on their core strengths.

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3. How can moolya help investors on the platform?

Traditional methods used across startup ecosystems, require the investor to evaluate, judge and assess various operational aspects of an idea/startup, that involves multiple domain skills of technology, finance, business operations, assessment of founders & promoters — their competence and compatibility, market alignment & insights, competition analysis, sales & marketing channels, last but not the least, work with complex statutory and regulatory ware withal required. This process is time consuming and usually left to the experts and the network roped in by the investor. No wonder, this results in unscientific investment methods, relying more on precedence, gut and fancies rather than possibility and innovations. All these factors delay and elongate the closure cycles for an investor or startup.

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4. How can moolya help service-providers? has been architected after extensive market research and acceptance of the six pillars of the startup community (ideators, startups, companies, service providers, institutions and investors) having a key role to engage to make the global platform successful. Realising this potential, for the service provider community, the platform presents a plethora of well assessed, rated and reviewed service providers, shortening geographical distances, while seamlessly connecting skills and services using an innovative market place model. Services are provided where needed and when needed by right experts on moolya.

5. How can moolya help “Institutions”?

Institutions on moolya could any global institution offering various disciplines or programmes in Engineering, Management, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Biotechnology, IT, Arts & Sciences, Health Sciences, Visual Media Studies, Social Work, Communication, Education, Nano-sciences among many others. They may have global brances with active interactions from industry experts and faculty members of eminence. They will also have alma mater and alumni associations.

6. How can moolya help companies ?

Compared to startups, companies are more confident of themselves because of multiple years of their existence and having figured out a niche with a sustainable, proven and scalable business model or idea. With years of existence companies know how to hit revenue targets with multiple offices and staff. Bulk of the company҃s focus goes to sell to their customers and provide related support operations. With higher stakes and investments, companies are administered by more processes with regulations and stakeholders exercising more control to sustain profits. In this rush to maintain profitability and beat competition sometimes innovation and enthusiasm to resolve and reinvent does not get proper focus. Companies can see loss of focus and staff drifting for more challenges and opportunities. Some companies have the muscle to put in an R&D teams and intrepreneurship options to keep employees motivated and hope to sustain market leadership.

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