Arman Stiffler
2 min readDec 29, 2023

Interview with Akilbek Allan

Photo Akilbek Allan @itsakilbek

Akilbek Allan: Crafting Musical Magic from Uzbekistan to the World
In the vibrant world of music, Akilbek Allan emerges as a rising star, blending electronic and pop beats to create a unique sonic experience. Hailing from the cultural tapestry of Uzbekistan, Akilbek has been on a musical journey for over three years, fueled by a childhood passion that now resonates in every note he produces.
Early Beginnings and Inspirations
Akilbek’s musical odyssey kicked off with his debut beat, "After Dark." This marked the genesis of a career that draws inspiration from the likes of renowned author-performer Alan Walker. The electronic and pop genres serve as the canvas for his musical expressions, distinguished by the soulful touch he brings to each composition.
Independence and Entrepreneurship
In 2022, Akilbek established his own label, showcasing not just his musical prowess but also entrepreneurial spirit. Unbound by conventional constraints, he has chosen the path of independence, steering clear of record deals or distribution agreements.
Creative Process and Collaborations
True to his artistic identity, Akilbek is deeply involved in every aspect of his creations. From crafting lyrics to envisioning music video concepts (set for release in 2024), he is a hands-on architect of his artistic vision. His latest release, "I’m inlove but," is a collaborative masterpiece that received a personal touch through his remixing skills.
Aspirations and Global Impact
Looking ahead, Akilbek envisions a global project that unites young performers worldwide. His goal transcends borders, aiming to spread joy and happiness through his music. While rooted in the CIS for now, his dream is to perform across the globe, bringing his melodies to diverse audiences.
The Journey Forward
As he continues to produce his own music and carve his path, Akilbek Allan remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring musicians. With influential figures like David Guetta on his collaboration wishlist and plans for a 2024 tour with Imanbek, the future holds boundless possibilities for this Uzbek sensation.
Connect with Akilbek Allan:
Watch "I’m inlove but" Remix
TikTok: @itsakilbek
YouTube: @itsakilbek
Instagram: @itsakilbek
In the next five years, Akilbek Allan envisions himself not just as a musician but as a purveyor of happiness, using his music to resonate with audiences worldwide. Stay tuned for the symphony of emotions he continues to compose on this extraordinary musical journey.