CAR TAXI solution for your car that is synergistic based with blockchain technology

7 min readSep 16, 2017



CAR TAXI is a logistics platform for evacuating and transporting cars that integrate all tow trucks in one application. It is a synergistic global mobile solution for technology contracts geolocation and blockchain + smart.Car taxi is a work product that has been tested and is operating on the Russian market and Car taxis are now poised for global scale and explosive market share growth. Car Taxi Company has assembled an outstanding professional team that develops business globally from offices in San Antonio (USA), Moscow (Russia) and Hong Kong (China).

There are so many problems we encounter when driving out there, such as engine breakdowns, running out of gas, accidents, or moving cars when moving to a new home. And while we know many products out there are still traditional and still dependent on the human factor and you have to look up the phone number of the operator & local dispatcher. When searching and ordering from different tow truck owners, it is undeniable that the choice will not be the best or the closest, causing delayed delivery and extra travel. This in turn affect service costs and waiting times. The problem can be solved by using the modern geolocation system used by CarTaxi, which eliminates the human factor. Payment systems Car taxis use decentralized blockchain technology to process payments around the world, ensuring secure transfer of funds and service settlement .


Car Taxi service solves all these problems using modern technology, making it possible to request road assistance with the same service standards, wherever you are. Now you can arrange cranes anytime, anywhere by combining geolocation with blockchain technology and packing it into a Uber-like interface which is familiar to today’s users,Car Taxi makes life easier and easier for drivers around the world.


All tow truck owners in each region are connected to the Car Taxi service. Special applications are installed for this purpose-the admin panel for partners. This means that, at any time in any city, a large number of tow trucks are available and ready to come as quickly as possible at minimal cost for the driver. The client receives the fastest service for minimum cost, without having to pay additional cost with the equipment.


The Car Taxi platform uses blockchain technology under smart contracts with Etherium.Blockchain makes enterprise operations completely transparent. Payments are made using smart contracts and blockchain technology, making it ideal for securely transferring funds between clients and providers, and ensuring payment transferred only if the service has been given.

The blockchain system allows you to easily track the status of payments with each contractor based on the ethereum contract. It maintains an order database, provides transparency and offsets various types of payments. The main points for using smart contracts include:

  1. Register the contractor and partner accounts.
  2. Register customer’s account.
  3. Preparing orders and managing its life cycle. 4
  4. Carry out a joint settlement with contractors and partners



The Car Taxi project offers the most easily understood monetization model. Car taxi services are monetized through commissions charged for tow truck service. Depending on the territory, the commissions range from 10 to 20% of the service charge.

Currently on the Russian market where the service is running and running successfully, 15% commission is being charged. The same rate has been confirmed in the US and China. The tariff is calculated automatically and consolidated in each region. This ensures that the customer receives the best service with the best price.


The main product has been designed, tested and launched, demonstrating strong performance in the start-up market.

The purpose of investment and key project development goals are:


- 2017–2018: Achieving full coverage and dominance in the CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia etc.) market (launching platform).

- Q1 2018: Launching operations and covering the US and Chinese markets.

- 2018–2019: Organizing entry points to markets in all significant regions: India, Southeast Asia, South America, Eastern and Western Europe.

- By 2020: Achieving dominance in US and Chinese markets.

- By 2022: Achieving dominance in all active regions.

The main means of expanding are running PR campaigns to attract core players in the market and establishing a system to connect partners in each new location


- Continuously scaling the platform according to newly connected regions. Integrating new cities into basic rate schedules.

- Maintaining the platform (load testing).

- Developing additional functionality including linking insurance partners in appropriate regions.

CarTaxi’s strategic goal is to win up to 20% of the market worldwide in 5 years and to generate $970 million in revenue by 2022.



Since CarTaxi is an existing business that is dynamically expanding into new markets and CarTaxi’s aim is to offer investors the most attractive conditions for investing in its growth, the company’s tokens, CTX, are a combined type. In addition to dividends paid out on them from company profits, CTX tokens will also be redeemed on the cryptocurrency exchange market using those profits.

The rate of return for the investors includes 2 parts:

1. Income in the form of dividends.

2. Income from the growth of the market value of the token.

In this model, company profits will be distributed thus:

1. 25% of company income goes towards dividend distribution. Distributions are accrued once a month. First distribution will be on 15 th of September 2017 for tokenholders, who purchased their tokens before said date (deadline is 15 September UTC +0 00–00). Transfer to tokenholders wallets will be made during the week after accrual.

2. 25% of profit goes to buying up tokens on the market with the aim of increasing their market value. Should there be a shortage of tokens on the market, the unspent profits will be considered additional profit and dividends increased accordingly.


Once CarTaxi reaches its targeted development goals (revenue targets), the dividend part of investor income will be:

- over $75 million or 152% of investment starting in 2020;

- over $150 million or over 300% of initial investment, starting in 2021, provided that the dynamic of reaching target indicators correlates with the schedule of revenue targets (see Fig. 4).

The dividend type of tokens will contribute to the growth of the market value of the CTX token, as well as the stable redemption of tokens from the market by the issuer.




1. Service: a comprehensive automated information system called CarTaxi, which provides for the transportation of vehicles using tow trucks.

2. Geolocation: the coordinates of the vehicle’s current location

3. Customer: the consumer of the Service

4. Contractor: the tow truck driver, the service provider.


1. A mobile app for clients, implemented on iOS and Android platforms, to call a tow truck and manage orders.

2. A mobile app for partners and contractors, designed to receive orders from customers, continuously updating the geolocation and managing the business processes of the working session.

3. An administrative web interface to manage service operations.

4. A subsystem of business processes, designed to model and manage the service business transactions.

5. An authorization service to authenticate and authorize users.

6. A service to establish the cost of travel, designed to calculate the preliminary cost of travel based on the location of the source and destination points of the route.

7. A coordinate storage service to store contractor movement history.

8. A dictionary service to provide an interface for accessing reference information, brands and models of cars, their mass, dimensions and ground clearance.

9. A push notification service, for sending notifications to participants in business transactions.

10. A service for sending socket messages to participants of business transactions.

11. A service that works with geodata, storing and processing the location of each contractor.

12. A route planning service that selects the best contractor and the best route for an order.

13. A rate zones service as an interface to manage rate zones and their parameters.

14. A report service designed to generate and store reports on the operation of the service.

15. Blockchain.

System architecture flowchart


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Created by : armandatomi

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