3 Ways on How To Be Funnier Over Text

5 min readMay 4, 2023

Do you know how many people do not take texting seriously?

‘How many?’

A lot.

They leave boring messages.

Write ‘k’ a lot.

Or flat out do not write anything.

‘Why do you think that is?’

It’s because they don’t understand the importance of text.

I’m not only talking about text through your phone.

(Although this post is going to be heavily catered towards that).

I’m also talking about text in blog format, book format, tweet format, etc.

It’s time to understand that the text talks to the subconscious mind.

If you can learn how to be funnier over text, you’ll have a superpower that others are blind to.

Why is Text Important?

Communication comes in all shapes and sizes.

There is face-to-face communication.

And there is machine-to-machine communication.

It’s an error to think that you are talking to a machine.


A machine is simply a tool that a human uses.




An artistic engineer storytelling his experiences with public speaking, social skills, EQ, creativity & level up mentality 🌍🚀