The Art of Creating the Perfect Story Conflict

5 min readApr 18, 2023

The human brain loves storytelling.

So much to a point where it starts perceiving the story as REAL.

It’s been stated that the subconscious mind has no clue when we are visualizing.

This means that it is unable to tell the difference between an act that happened vs one that is imagined.

This is great information for any upcoming storyteller.

That’s because you are able to hook someone’s mind.

Once you hook someone’s mind, what next?

If you are a storyteller without a semblance of frameworks, you will fold under the pressure.


But if you are a storyteller with SOME frameworks, you will thrive.

You see…us humans are born storytellers.

We even dream in stories.

Therefore, we don’t need to make it complicated.

The most powerful element of a story is the conflict.

It’s the tension that allows you to keep the mind HOOKED.

And today, you are going to learn what the conflict is & how to engineer it so you can leverage it for your stories.




An artistic engineer storytelling his experiences with public speaking, social skills, EQ, creativity & level up mentality 🌍🚀