My Journey as a Student Ambassador: Google Developer Student Clubs, MathWorks, Google Women Techmakers, and Microsoft

4 min readOct 23, 2023


Do you ever dream of making a meaningful impact in the tech world while still pursuing your education? Well, I sure did, and today, I’m excited to share my journey of becoming a student ambassador for not one, but four incredible ambassador programs: Google Developer Student Clubs, MathWorks, Google Women Techmakers, and Microsoft. During my time at UCLA, where I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics with a Specialization in Computing, I have harbored a deep desire to make a meaningful impact in the tech world while simultaneously furthering my education.It’s been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience, and I’m here to give you a glimpse into how I achieved it.

The Vision Begins

My journey started with a vision to become a bridge between the tech community and my fellow students. The idea of being a part of organizations that lead the way in innovation and technology was fascinating. I was drawn to Google Developer Student Clubs, MathWorks Student Ambassador Program, Google Women Techmakers, and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program due to their influential roles in shaping the tech world.

Research and Preparation

The first step was to understand the role and eligibility criteria for each program. Each organization had its unique requirements and expectations. I took the time to research the programs and learn about the responsibilities and opportunities they offered.

For the Google Developers Student Club, I learned that they value technical skills, community involvement, and leadership abilities. MathWorks Student Ambassador Program looked for passionate advocates of MATLAB. Google Women Techmakers aimed to support women in technology, and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors were expected to be tech enthusiasts eager to make a difference.

Skill Development

The next crucial phase was skill development. I knew I needed to enhance my technical skills and develop the soft skills necessary to excel in the role of an ambassador. I dedicated time to coding, public speaking, community management, and leadership skills. Being technically proficient was essential, but equally important was the ability to communicate and inspire others.

Engaging in the Community

Becoming a part of the tech community was pivotal. I started attending tech-related events and meetups. Engaging with like-minded individuals and sharing my experiences on social media platforms allowed me to establish a presence in the tech space.

Crafting an Online Persona

To be noticed by these organizations, I knew I had to create a strong online presence. I actively maintained my LinkedIn profile and shared a few projects on GitHub. This not only showcased my skills but also demonstrated my commitment to the tech community.

The Application Process

When the applications for these programs opened, I was ready. I crafted well-prepared applications that highlighted my skills and experiences. I made sure to communicate my passion for their missions and my eagerness to contribute.

The Selection Process

For each program, there was a selection process. This involved interviews, creating videos, recommendation letters, and discussions about your aspirations and commitment to the organization’s goals. It was a nerve-wracking but exciting experience. The key here was to be authentic and let my passion shine through.

Persistence and Perseverance

Rejection can be disheartening, but it’s essential to remain persistent. Continue to build your skills, remain active in the tech community, and re-apply in the following cycles. Persistence pays off.

The Ambassador Journey

When I finally received the news that I had been selected as a student ambassador for Google Developer Student Clubs, MathWorks, Google Women Techmakers, and Microsoft, it was a moment of pure joy. The journey had been long, but it was just the beginning.

As an ambassador, I was entrusted with the responsibility to promote their initiatives, engage with the community, and inspire others. It has been a whirlwind experience, from organizing events to sharing knowledge and networking with industry professionals.

One of the delightful perks of being an ambassador was the access to exclusive merchandise. Each of these prestigious organizations provided me with an array of branded goodies — from t-shirts to high-quality swag like stickers, tote bags, and more. It was like a constant stream of reminders that I was part of something special.


Becoming a student ambassador for Google Developer Student Clubs, MathWorks, Google Women Techmakers, and Microsoft was a dream come true. It required dedication, skill development, and a genuine passion for technology and community engagement. It’s a journey that continues to be both challenging and immensely rewarding. I’ve had the privilege of contributing to the tech world while still pursuing my education, and for that, I’m truly grateful.

I hope my journey serves as an inspiration for aspiring student ambassadors. Remember, your passion, skills, and commitment are your strongest allies on this path. Embrace the challenge, and you might just find yourself representing tech giants and making a significant impact in the world of technology.

That’s it! If you need any help from me, don’t hesitate to reach out, I’m active on Linkedin.

