Best Types of Asphalt Repair

3 min readAug 8, 2023


Asphalt is a durable and popular material used for roads, driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces due to its strength and cost-effectiveness. However, over time, asphalt can develop cracks, potholes, and other damages due to weather, traffic, and wear and tear.

To maintain the integrity and longevity of your asphalt surface, it’s essential to address these issues promptly. Here are some of the best types of asphalt repair methods to consider:


There are two main types of patches: cold patching and hot patching. Cold patching involves using pre-mixed asphalt material that can be applied directly to the damaged area.

It is suitable for quick fixes and temporary repairs. On the other hand, hot patching involves heating the asphalt mix to a high temperature and applying it to the damaged area. Hot patching provides a more durable and long-lasting repair.

Infrared Asphalt Repair

Infrared asphalt repair is a technique that uses infrared heaters to heat the damaged asphalt, allowing it to be reworked and recompacted.

This method is particularly effective for repairing larger areas with extensive damage, such as alligator cracking or depressions. Infrared asphalt repair provides a seamless and long-lasting repair, as it fuses the new asphalt with the existing surface.

Milling and Resurfacing

Milling and resurfacing is a more extensive repair method used for surfaces with multiple layers of asphalt. It involves removing the top layer of damaged asphalt using milling machines and then applying a new layer of fresh asphalt.

Milling and resurfacing are ideal for surfaces with widespread cracks, ruts, or surface damage. This method provides a smooth and rejuvenated surface, giving your asphalt a brand-new look and increased durability.

Full-depth Replacement

For severely damaged asphalt surfaces with extensive structural issues, full-depth replacement may be necessary. Full-depth replacement involves removing all the layers of damaged asphalt down to the subbase and then installing new asphalt from the ground up.

While this method is more expensive and time-consuming, it provides a long-term solution for heavily damaged or deteriorated surfaces.

Crack Sealing

A preventive maintenance method is used to address small cracks in asphalt before they develop into more significant issues. A specialized rubberized sealant is applied to the cracks, preventing water and debris from penetrating the surface and causing further damage.

Crack sealing helps extend the lifespan of your asphalt surface and minimizes the need for more extensive repairs in the future.

In conclusion, timely and appropriate asphalt repair is essential to ensure the longevity and functionality of your asphalt surfaces. Depending on the extent of the damage, you can choose from various repair methods, such as patching, infrared asphalt repair, milling and resurfacing, full-depth replacement, and crack sealing.

To determine the best type of repair for your asphalt, consult with a professional asphalt contractor who can assess the condition of your surface and recommend the most suitable solution.

