Digital biotech ecosystem you’ve been waiting for

ARNA Genomics
3 min readDec 10, 2017


Transparency, independence, fraud protection and benefit for all
On its way to patients, new drugs pass a long way. The invention of a product (technology, method, treatment, etc.) is only the first step. An independent clinical research organization (Clinical Research Organization — CRO) should develop clinical & laboratory research design, which is approved by state regulators.

Independent experts, CRO, collect “blind” samples to send it to the Sponsor of Clinical Trial who does the testing and other manipulations. Those experts also verify the results obtained. On their basis the researcher publishes a report on their own work. For commercial use a new technology (drug, the method of treatment etc) you will need to get the permit from the regulatory authority.

This procedure is approximate and can vary significantly from country to country, but the cooperation of three sides (the state regulator, CRO, and Sponsor of Clinical Trial) is required. This procedure can take months or sometimes even years. It’s often unpleasant and difficult to audit.

The results of the research are greatly influenced by the human factor. The Sponsor of Clinical Trial and CRO can distort it deliberately or not. It can deprive society and patients of some potentially important and varied technologies.

The use of blockchain technology drastically dicreases theses risks. We created ARNA Panacea, which is a blockchain-based software and a number of digital tools for checking the status and the preservation of critical clinical trial data.

The project’s core is private blockchain with flexible distribution rights. Due to technological advantages, by its nature, the blockchain ensures the continuity and integrity of clinical trials and their reproducibility.

ARNA Panacea includes a “blind” protocol with patient data created in an open but encrypted form, inaccessible to the third parties without access granted by patients. The сritical data is stored or registered in the blockchain, all the proceedings carried out without the human. It minimizes the possibility of the interference of the human factor and distortion or change of results from either side.

Another advantage of the blockchain, the use of smart contracts, will allow automating the voting, the process of agreement conclusion, the flow of documents and many other actions in clinical trials.

As a result, the use of ARNA Panacea can enhance the trust between the Sponsor of Clinical Trial participants and patients in relation to its results. We call this Proof of Research, i.e. verifying the research with the help of the blockchain.

In Q1 2018 first production module of ARNA Panacea Blockchain will be released. It will allow to verify biotech products blind tests with help of blockchain technologies.

The base of the ARNA Panacea will be used to support the clinical trial. However, we want to use another strong option which the blockchain provides — conducting ICO.

Our goal is the creation of an independent crowdfunding platform whose participants will be biotech start-ups and independent researchers. This platform, in particular, will allow launching and gradually raising funds for clinical trials.

The main driving force of such projects will be the investors, people who support the development of specific pharmaceutical products.

Thus, ARNA Panacea will provide patients with a choice of various biotech products developed by independent researchers and startups. It will help researchers to draw attention to their development and to intensify the work. In the end transparency, independence and fraud protection will be beneficial for all.

