New Advisor joined ARNA ICO

ARNA Genomics
3 min readDec 9, 2017


“I’m thrilled about this opportunity, which also strikes a personal chord with me. I wish my mother could have done this simple blood test”, said Dr. Ribitzky, who has lost his mother to breast cancer.

ARNA Genomics is already well-known on both sides of Atlantic, and the range of its partners is constantly expanding. On December 6 the company announced the start of full-fledged cooperation with Ribitzky, American R&D company specialized in the advisory and contract services for healthcare, natural sciences, IT and precision medicine markets. Its CEO and founder Ron Ribitzky became a member of the Advisory Board for ARNA.

Path in medicine

Dr. Ribitzky worked as flight surgeon (Major, ret.), primary care physician, and senior resident in pediatrics. He held academic appointments at Harvard Medical School, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Emory School of Public Health, Weitzmann Institute of Science (Israel), Kigali Institute of Science & Technology, and Kigali Health Institute (Rwanda).

A sought-after thought leader and author of numerous publications, Dr. Ribitzky presented and led workshops on technology innovation and practice in industry events, public sector, and academia around the world.

He worked for and with global leading brands and world-class organizations, R&D, and academia in the U.S. and 23 developed and emerging economy countries. Prior to co-founding SPH Analytics, Dr. Ribitzky was senior health care strategist at Intel, CIO at UMass Medical Center, VP Emerging Technologies at Eclipsys company and held several other positions in authorities and companies from around the world.

Dr. Ron Ribitzky has the wide and deeply practical, managerial, scientific and technical expertise, and he is willing to share it with us. The same as 30 years of cross-functional C-level experience in the converging healthcare IT, life-sciences informatics, and precision medicine.

“Knowing now that ARNA BC could have diagnosed it so much earlier, better, and cheaper than any other means, mammography or otherwise is so emotional for me. ARNA Genomics has set out to take it further with a promising pipeline of blood tests for other cancers. Coupled with betting its go-to-market on blockchain in order to establish consumer trust, secure initial funding, and build the ecosystem puts the company at the forefront of disrupting healthcare, life sciences, and precision medicine worldwide. Of course, ARNA must first form a US company, establish collaboration with recognized cancer centers and biotech clusters, and sponsor a proper FDA approval pathway in a timely manner. I’m excited to advise the company in this multifaceted effort and contribute to ARNA’s success.”

Dr. Ron Ribitzky

Advisory service

Also, Dr. Ron Ribitzky is CEO & founder of Ribitzky R&D company. Based in Newton (MA, USA) company provides advisory and contract services for the converging healthcare IT, life sciences informatics, and precision medicine markets worldwide. The company specializes in user experience, analytics, and semantic services. It works with investors, entrepreneurs, and institutional economic buyers throughout the product and program lifecycle.

Ribitzky R&D company provide services for investors, entrepreneurs and healthcare providers, and analytic & semantic services for wide range of interested ones.

R&D Ribitzky official website

Dr. Ribitzky’s LinkedIn profile

