Is There Historical Evidence For The Resurrection of Jesus?

Dr. William Lane Craig Answers

Arnau Perez Ninot
7 min readJul 29, 2024

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Is there evidence for the resurrection of Jesus?

It is important to distinguish between historical evidence and the best explanation for it.

Believers and non-believers can agree about many things.

  • Jesus existed.
  • He was crucified, buried, and His tomb found empty.
  • Some of His followers had resurrection appearances.
  • Christianity rose from nothing into the largest religion in the world as a consequence of these facts.

Now, believing that this statements are justifiable given the historical evidence doesn’t automatically make Jesus God and Christianity true.

3 Historical facts

William Lane Craig presented these historical facts in a debate on the evidence for the resurrection.


Craig begins by sharing some important details about the sources for the historical Jesus.

The principal sources consist of documents written within a generation after Jesus’ death which were later…



Arnau Perez Ninot

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