RxSwift: Subjects

Arnav Gupta
2 min readAug 12, 2017


In this blog, I will talk about subjects & variables in RxSwift. I hope you must be knowing about RxSwift. If you don’t then read my earlier blog https://medium.com/@arnavgupta180/shift-from-swift-to-rxswift-8dece8af9f4 for better understanding of concepts of RxSwift.


A Subject is a sort of bridge or proxy that acts both as an observer and as an Observable. A subject can emit it’s elements even if it has no observers.

Subject Types

There are three commonly used subject types. They all behave almost the same with one difference: each one does something different with values emitted before the subscription happened.

Publish Subject :

the publish subject will ignore all elements that were emitted before subscribe have happened.

Replay Subject :

Replay subject will repeat the last N number of values, even the ones before the subscription happen. The N is the buffer, so for our example it’s 3.

Behavior Subject :

Behavior subject will repeat only the one last value. Moreover, it’s initiated with a starting value, unlike the other subjects.


let subject = defined below with output w.r.t all cases of subjects.

let observable : Observable<String> = subject
subject.onNext("Before Subscribe Value First")
subject.onNext("Before Subscribe Value Second")
subject.onNext("Before Subscribe Value Third")
observable.subscribe(onNext: { text in

subject.onNext("After Subscribe")


Output1) PublishSubject
let subject = PublishSubject<String>()


After Subscribe //no values repeat before subscibe
2) ReplaySubject with buffer size 3let subject = ReplaySubject<String>().create(bufferSize: 3) Output:Before Subscribe Value First //on subscribe will repeat buffer
Before Subscribe Value Second
// size value eg last 3
Before Subscribe Value Third
After Subscribe

BehaviorSubject : It has initial value
let subject = BehaviorSubject<String>(value: "Initial value") Output:Before Subscribe Value Third //on subscribe will repeat last value
After Subscribe

