Evolution of Money

5 min readNov 30, 2017


This is a story of Money . Trade and exchange in the ancient world was the engine that drove the way and money was the fuel that lead the way . The Origin of Money was just not an invention but a mental revolution .

  1. In Creating a center of trust and connecting the world .
  2. It allowed men from all walks of life to specialize in smithing of the coins and turning thousands into soldiers , for the safeguarding of the currencies and kings , to rule and distribute money in their own Empires .

This history of money is the history of all humanity . Every stone and every cowry shell , symbolize what we have valued , who we have served , our cultures and reflect our technology that have evolved to the present . Money is more than just beautiful or useful , money is whatever we imagine it to be . With Money , man has the power to unify , to fulfill desires and to drive progress . However , with the desire for more Money , man , was made a commodity and traded in the global exchange markets as a slave .

With money , comes Greed none the less to acts of great evil .

Through the exchange of one of the most sought after commodity like no other , Silk , it led to the spread of religions through trade , transforming history and emerging trade routes which made traders seek their fortunes between the silk roads to feed the Demand .

From shells to coins

Around 550 years before Christ , In what we know as western turkey there was a kingdom called Lydia where the rich and poor had to learn to live by the new system of Money , the currency of coin .

It created a new symbol of status and power , your needs , actions and desires all are cut up in the number of coins you possessed , before coins were invented , food used to get bad and couldn’t be taken back for trading , this was a kind of new age , you could store the coins and use them back in the markets anytime and at any moment .

As soon as Man had money in his hands , he begun looking for easy ways to get more of them . Working at jobs he hated , doing things that he knew were wrong , not because he wanted to but because he had to ! And this led to an origin moment that gave us the chance to become richer than the Kings , all by the roll of the Dice !

From coins to Paper Money

One man sold civilization to the idea that money can be anything that we dream it to be . His name was Kobler khan . In the Great 1279 ,in China , the Mongolian Emperor . He unified his vast kingdom , by issuance of Paper money , out of the barks of trees , he issued paper money and by edict , he started to spread this through his vast kingdom , if you didn’t use his money or counterfeited it , you would get killed .

As a merchant who traded with the emperor, it was a surprise for you to get paper instead of silver . He created wealth out of nothing , he created money where there was no money .

Paper currency became mightier than silver and was accepted in exchange for Gold , it became a currency . When it was more accepted , then there was more temptations to actually print more of it , and you can print as much money as you need and that’s the temptations that governments over the years have fallen into .

Ofcourse ! they printed more money than what they had and this caused hyper inflation .We’ve seen this kind of inflation in countries like the , late Germany in 1930's , in Zimbabwe more recently , it’s a problem you only get when you start using paper for money .

The dawn of a new millennium

we have come from the age of trading meat and weapons thousands of years ago to trading information itself , our very identity , our individuality has become one of the most valuable currencies on the globe . Digital currency , will be one of the defining stories of our human race , it will be the road that will lead us to the Promised land . The land of Decentarilization , the vision that was layed by Satoshi in the white paper .

  • The value of money is built on Trust , we all have to believe our coin or piece of paper are worth something but what happens when those that control your money decide it’s no longer what you thought it was ? When the illusion of money is exposed , when we are brutally reminded that Money has no value other than what we agree on , it sends shockwaves through out the world .

Every day , money passes through countless hands , around the world but behind every piece of currency there is a deeper story to be told .

  • Money is more than beautiful or useful , money is whatever we imagine it to be .
  • It is more than just a useful tool or a symbol of value it is a work of art that tells the story of humanity .

The symbols and proverbs of our nations , kings and queens of history , the gods we worshiped all are stamped in the canvas of our currencies , with each advance , we reinvent money , only for money to reinvent us , it united us by giving us writing , mathematics , spreading new philosophies , new religions , and new societies , it made us modern .

  • It has built our modern civilization but above all , money is a human creation that we can rewrite to our own demand , when history looks back to our time and place , our story will be revealed through our Coin our bills and through our systems of money , it is up to us to make it a story worth telling !

