The Characteristics of an effective Brochure

arnold kent
3 min readApr 4, 2016


The brochures are still widely used in the whole world and digital marketing has not affected the demand of this marketing tool. The acceptance of a brochure is due to two reasons. Firstly, if the brochure is related to the requirement and demand of that particular person and he or she wants to explore more about the company or a product. The second reason is that the look and presentation of the brochure attract the users to pick it up and read it.

Normally, a brochure is delivered by placing it within the newspapers or providing by hands. It is also observed that these brochures are kept at some prominent places in the shopping malls so the people, who are walking through, can pick and read it. If the brochure is given without the wish of the reader, it can be thrown immediately in the dust bin. You have to present your message in an attractive way only in these few seconds, so the requirement is to present the brochure in a stylish, attractive and presentable way with some beautiful taglines, information and product image.

The designers of the printing companies know the presentation time of the brochure so they can provide you the accurate design with some fruitful information. Good printing companies can be found at printing portals like where you will find numerous samples and designs and you also have the option to consult with your own designer if you have in your organization.

The element of wastage is always in the minds of the organizations so they try to include such a punch line at the front page which can stop the reader to stop and read a few lines of it. These lines can be just like the following lines or with the amendment in it:

  • Stop and read it, something new is in it!
  • Are you spending a huge amount for the maintenance of your car?
  • Which air conditioner should be in your bedroom for reducing electricity cost?

For achieving maximum results against the marketing campaign of the brochure, you should take conscious decisions. All the information should be available according to the requirement of the campaign and there is no need to add extra things in it. Sometimes, the customers give you some suggestions through their questions so you should incorporate these questions in the brochure. If a reader has some questions in his or her mind and your brochure is giving proper answers and suggestions, he will definitely keep your brochure with you for consultation in the future.

For attracting different people, there should be different designs of the brochure with unique information in all the brochures. A series of brochures can designed for targeting different markets so you can cover all aspects of the society through this range. The purpose of the brochure is to engage the maximum brains so some of them can be your future clients. To act on this suggestion, you should visit some online printing portals and is one of them, where you will find some of the well renowned printing organizations with some outstanding templates and designs of the brochure.

