12 min readNov 7, 2019



Part I

How to monetise your content using the brave browser?


Bare with the introduction length. I found it important for potential noobs in the crypto space.

So, for any content creators out their looking for a way to monetise their platforms without necessarily having a bank account or any initial investment then this I believe will be quite useful to you.

The internet is packed with content creators (CC(s)) from all walks of life hoping to put their message out there for a large or small audience with the hope of connecting with on an interpersonal basis. Reaching out is amazing and building a following is always exciting but it can get hard to follow your passion if you can’t pay the rent.

As you explore this document, you’ll learn of some of the best platforms out there that are built specifically with a purpose to fully and seamlessly integrate into websites and major social media platforms that we know today, however a lot of people aren’t aware of this. Hence this article is meant to act as guide through a series of articles and hopefully after you’re done, hopefully you will be in position to be a pioneer in this new emergent and functional ecosystem. 😊 Enjoy.

The blockchain space moves at astronomical speeds, arguably faster than anything currently pursued on the internet. I don’t have stats on that, but common sense tells me that money is the greatest motivator. This developing digital environment can harness the mental capacity and creativity of anyone in the world with a promise of “good job done, immediate monetary reward” and no censorship. Hence you find a lot of terms that where not familiar to people in the past but now are. E.g. cryptography, chart analysis, Sha256, AML,KYC, Investment portfolio, diversification, Fud, Fear indexes and many more… Plus new terms like HODL ok. Moving on.

The current widely used method to accept cryptocurrency is by a content creator and anyone really is by simply posting her (Bitcoin) BTC, (Ethereum) ETH, XRP(XRaPid/ODL), (Bitcoin-Cash) BCH, (Tether)USDT, (Litecoin) LTC etc. wallet addresses directly on their platform, product, service.

For Instance, “hope you liked my video please feel free to donate BTC below. This would help to facilitate our production and continue value provision for our followers”

169XtEBXJ5AMwCqbToSbhEmVmzTucSnas6 (Donations would then be sent to the BTC address)

This is obviously inefficient in that it almost limits the publisher to contributions provided to her only by an audience that is “cryptocurrency literate”. This greatly limits her return on potential donations and at times might even force her to limit her content, because having a social media account talking about philosophy, brick-laying or even top-ten tricks to never mess up your next date would not cut it with a fleet of alpha numeric, BIP39, BIP32, Hexadecimal addresses etc. This gets in the way and frankly speaking the less barriers to entry the better for everyone.

More potential downsides to this. Since a user may have to ditch the publisher’s platform temporarily, access their separate cryptocurrency wallet, convert to the appropriate currency if they don’t have BTC or whichever provided addresses from Alice. A lot of time and effort is needed in accomplishing these tasks.

Now as a person that has made thousands of cryptocurrency transactions in all forms, shapes and sizes, the time and effort put into these processes is not exactly something you can do with your eyes shut. More like cutting onions with your eyes wide open into them.


How to monetise your content using the brave browser.?

Founders: Brendan Eich and CTO Brian Bondy on May 28, 2015, launched on January 20th, 2016. Now before you brush off these people, you should probably be aware that Eich is known to have created JavaScript and is co-founded of Mozilla and Firefox. I think we are now off to a great start. Hope I have your attention now.

Another aspect apart from the founder that sets the brave browser apart, together with its native cryptocurrency token BAT, is the fact they have been vigilant with understanding and staying within the regulatory framework whilst providing a secure and futuristic approach that is enabling them to build a robust system that any person from any walk of life can participate in on an equal global playing field.

A few of the extracts below show interactions and engagements on the ‘brave insights’ tab in the brave website. (Follow link the in the description at the end of the article should you wish to see a deeper overview of their engagements)

What is the brave browser?

Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software Inc, based on the Chromium web browser. The browser blocks Ads and website trackers. The company has adopted a Get paid to surf business model. How the browser incorporates revenue is by having its ecosystem revolve around the Basic Attention Token (BAT) to drive revenue through it.

So Brave is a new system for properly evaluating user attention, with a focus on blockchain based digital advertising. The idea is that since the current digital advertising media/agencies use trackers in our phones, it makes us pones for digital targeted advertising; This has effects such as phone battery drainage, increasing phone bills spent towards bandwidth consumption. As a result, people are developing separate add-block software like ‘adblocker’ to try and combat the numerous data intrusion systems for the centralised browsing platforms that are currently in existence.

Brave browser has thus realized a solution to this by creating blockchain-based digital advertising. Basically, a digital Add exchange based on the blockchain.

There are stages to this implementation

1. Stage 1: Already implemented as part of the core purpose and underlying tech within the browser. It blocks Ads and trackers by stripping them from their native websites as well as incorporating a ledger system for rewarding user attention (viewing pages, reading Ads, & general web-browsing) through brave rewards. (Rewards will be further explained in the article). The idea is to eliminate middlemen that take a large chunk of the system’s resources.

2. Stage 2: Developing a decentralized add exchange that involves a digital currency referred to as BAT (Basic Attention Token). The token denominates user attention on advertisement, content creation and as well as using a self-automated system that learns the user’s web activity in order to appropriately reward them. This is said to combat fraud and Malvertising problems. Publishers are rewarded in BAT tokens (Done through micropayments), as users are paid for their attention/website usage. These can be used to pay other publishers to in whichever way the user wishes. Including them for other digital currencies if they would like to.

A summary of the claims that I suppose would give brave a competitive advantage over the current centralised systems.

“We’re not in the personal data business” — No viewing, storage and trading of user data

“Customize your shield settings” — User’s choice in how many Ads and trackers are blocked in a day on any specific Tab Page.

“Security meets simplicity” — Brave does all the background check within browser experience and interactions with extensions.

“Defaults that matter” — the claim is such that the default state is optimum for smooth and secure user experience.

“Sync your devices bravely” (In beta) — allows users to encrypt and synchronize their preferred settings and bookmarks. Brave would not store the user’s Private keys.

How does one monetize their content?

Here I’ll explain how users, content creators and Advertisers can benefit from using the brave browser.

The platforms that are currently supported by brave rewards are; Websites, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Vimeo, GitHub and Reddit.

So brave has this thing called Brave rewards. Through this system, publishers or any user is rewarded or earns by viewing Ads they accepted to receive as they browse. This is built on the BAT.

Publishers/content creators however can further sign up with the brave rewards to earn extra income on their various publishing platforms.

First, you have to download the browser. You can use my affiliate link. It would really help to support my start-up and allow for even more valuable content creation

You’ll see this page popup.

From this point I suggest you setup your brave wallet.

Click on the triangle at the top right corner and follow the steps accordingly. You’ll be presented with a 24-word Mnemonic seed phrase. (You cannot let anyone see this phrase and you should never lose it.) This is the only guaranteed way of having access to your brave wallet anywhere and on any computer even if you have to install brave from the start. This gives you flexibility in how you can move your funds around. (A fundamental cryptographic feature in the blockchain space in general). You can read more about it here.

Hope you’re done with setting up your Uphold account. This account will help you move your funds in and out of the brave wallet and it also supports visa, debit and credit card deposits and withdrawals. That tells you that these guys are tightly engaged with the regulators.

(not a full address — i used it just for demonstration)

… I made a transfer from my uphold wallet to my binance exchange BAT wallet and I received my pay-out at no cost in under 2 minutes. So yes, this is an actual business model unravelling right in front of us.

Publishers and content creators

You can go to this link This will take you to the publisher’s setup.

And here is where the magic happens. Their login is something pretty cool. You type in your email and you are then sent a link which then gives you access to your account

After clicking the link in your email you’ll be presented with a 2factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication in the cryptocurrency space. Security is paramount. The links below will take you to the android or apple google authenticator apps but also Microsoft authenticator is a good option. They are all in your respective play stores. (Make sure to download and setup your 2FA as a must)


Apple —

Now that’s all out of the way. After logging in you’ll be presented with this screen on which you can setup a channel and tipping banner and guess what! it’s all way too easy. easier than pie.

As you can see on the top right corners, you can setup your channel and Tipping Banner. The tipping Banner essentially allows your followers to send you direct tips through the banner. This happens when the follower opens the brave rewards panels from the URL bar (The triangular link), and then clicking the “Send Tip Now” button. It really is simple.

The preview banner above is the one I made really quick. Took me like 30 seconds, plus there is an already pre-written message for you that is customisable to your target audience or purpose.

You can setup channels with any of the platforms above by just giving access to them (logging in). Extremely smooth process.

That’s pretty much it. You should be all set to start earning now. 😊 Have fun mate!!

Criticisms of the platforms

I won’t say that this browser hasn’t come under criticism of some sort. Major critic revolves around brave’s savvy business practices i.e. The fact that brave relies on a business model that is very heavily reliant on blocking, removing and stripping all advertisements issued on any website and replacing those Ads with its own Ads selection. These Ads are received in form of notifications. This way the user is more likely to engage the Ads because there is an incentive to access them. Think of it as a Netflix for Ads, but in this case, you are paid for what you watch.

This is one example of a notification that popped up as I was writing this. You can see the brave logo at the top left corner. You just click it and get paid in BAT immediately. That simple.

At the same time many critics also do acknowledge the effectiveness of the brave platform by commending its fast loading speeds and the advanced ad-tracking controls.

Advertisers and Adverts in general

First, according to brave browser, users receive 70% of the gross ad revenue, while Brave receives the remaining 30%

For advertisers: According to the brave Advertisers tab.

Ø “100% of your ad spend is placed for active users that opt-in to a rewarding private ad experience”

Ø “Brave uses local machine learning with the browser profile to only place Ads in optimal conditions. Ads are matched to opportunities, and users become partners instead of targets”

Ø “Craft effective offers and provide captivating full-page experiences directly with consumers in Brave’s Private Ad Tabs”

Ø Private ad matching efficiently matches Ads directly from the device, without breaching personal information.

Brave browser also does have equivalent support for the mobile app version as well. This page will elaborate further on eligibility and you will get a much clear view on the steps to take if you want to eventually build an ecosystem around their Ads-centric product.

Brave Ads are available today in the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K, with more countries on the way in Europe and Asia. Brave Ads will also be integrated in Brave’s iOS app in the coming months. For more information on the general atmosphere you can click here to contact the brave team to sign up for more information on how to “launch a brave campaign”


In my opinion. This is a major step towards the right direction in the whole cryptocurrency & digital finance space. Technologies such as these bringing real world use cases with real world returns that can drive real world innovation and creativity through a globally activated monetary system.


I have no affiliations with braver browser whatsoever neither do I have any personal motive towards the promotion of the BAT token. This is purely a subjective view of the evolution of digital technologies that I believe are already impacting the globe on a massive scale.

Stay tuned for Part II where we introduce you to web monetisation using On-Demand-Liquidity😊(Mind blowing)

After that I will introduce other actual ways that you can employ to slowly keep earning legitimate passive income online through digital currencies are your grow your knowledge.

I will include ideas on how to develop a data trading economy on the blockchain with some blockchain platforms that are emerging from the shadows. (This is the future so keep your eyes peeled).

If you made it this far congratulations and remember these quotes as a takeaway

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me. -Steve Jobs

To any entrepreneur: If you want to do it, do it now. If you don’t, you’re going to regret it.” -Catherine Cook

You can access brave browser through this affiliate link (It will be much appreciated)

Download brave browser —

Brave insights

My twitter handle in case you want to drop me a follow 😊


Mechanical engineer, Machine learning enthusiast, cryptocurrency analyst. Lets see how far we can take this.