The Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

Arnon Efraty
2 min readNov 17, 2023


A Call for Peaceful and Productive Writing

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s longest and most complex conflicts, with roots dating back centuries ago. Despite various attempts to resolve the conflict, the situation remains tense and volatile, with frequent outbreaks of violence and suffering on both sides. The latest escalation of hostilities has resulted in thousands of of deaths, injuries, and widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure

Writing is a powerful tool that can influence people’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. It can also be a source of inspiration, education, and entertainment. However, writing can also be misused to spread hate, violence, and division. In times of conflict and crisis, writers have a responsibility to use their talents and skills for the good of humanity.

As writers, I believe we have a moral duty to use our words to promote peace, not to justify or glorify war and oppression and not to try and justify the acts of one side against the other or to try and interpret history and holy scriptures to support our claims. I urge anyone who is writing, on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, to end the writing of hateful speeches and instead of inciting more violence and hatred, we should use our writing to propose productive solutions that can hopefully make a modest contribution to peace and reconciliation

There are many ways that we can use our writing to promote a peaceful solution and here here are some suggestions:

  • Write about the common values and interests that both sides share, and how they can work together to achieve them.
  • Write about the positive aspects and contributions of both sides, and how they can learn from each other and appreciate their differences.
  • Write about the historical and cultural ties that bind both sides, and how they can respect and honor their heritage and traditions.
  • Write about the human stories and experiences of both sides, and how they can empathize and sympathize with each other’s suffering and aspirations.
  • Write about the potential benefits and opportunities of peace and cooperation, and how they can outweigh the costs and risks of war and hostility.

By writing in these ways, we can maybe modestly help to create a more positive and constructive discourse that can foster dialogue, understanding, and trust between the conflicting parties. We can also inspire and encourage our readers to take action and support the peace process, and to reject the voices of extremism and violence.



Arnon Efraty

Born and raised in Israel, Hi-tech entrepreneur and business executive