Project 2: Lessons from the last session: Taking Flight 🕊“Life is something that we should enjoy, not only by being a book worm, besides of this enjoy the life with your own way of happiness and…May 13, 2020May 13, 2020
The Emoji’s story from 😒 to 😁Thank you soo much💕 Amal Academy for this opportunity to make a story with emoji’s 😒😍😁😁👍.May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
The interested challengeTo be interesting, be interested. The ability of a person being interested in something or someone’s feelings. Help yourself by helping…Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
Eat that frog with a PomodoroFrog jumped from one place to another. Just like a frog we human being also jump from one task to another.Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
Putting my idea into the universe (diagnostic center)I want to start a diagnostic center as a business. An individual who have experience in lab can start the diagnostic center. Diagnostic…Mar 7, 2020Mar 7, 2020
Problems facing in the career counseling.Students life is full of enjoy and happy. But the student life has also challenges and hurdles of its own. Parents mostly impose the field…Mar 7, 2020Mar 7, 2020