Israel – Hamas war

Israel’s genocide in Gaza

3 min readNov 10, 2023
Source: motaz_azaiza/instagram

The October 7th attack by Hamas on Israel has turned Palestinian ethnic cleansing into a Gazan genocide.

Critics have accused Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of strengthening Islamist Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, in order to undermine the secular Fatah and the broader Palestine Liberation Organization (PA), which controls the West Bank.

The goal behind this alleged support for Hamas was to empower a religiously motivated organization that could counter the secular liberation movement for geopolitical gains.

Many Palestinians believe that the US and its alliesʼ support and funding to the PA have contributed to its enduring undemocratic control of the West Bank. This perception has ultimately led to an increase in the popularity for Hamas among Palestinians.

However, when Hamas launched its attack on Israel on October 7, it became clear that they had no backup plan. Their primary objective was to provoke an overreaction from Israel to gain sympathy from Muslims worldwide, which they succeeded in. And, when Israel responded, Hamas was unable to defend the Palestinians effectively.

Calls are now being made for Arab states to intervene and save the Palestinians. However, history has shown that previous wars waged by Arab countries against Israel have only resulted in further loss of land for Palestine. Any action against Israel by the Arab countries could potentially lead to the capture of all Palestinian land, the displacement of Palestinians into refugee camps, or even their complete annihilation.

Moreover, the Muslim countries themselves may become embroiled in conflicts among themselves, similar to the 1991 Gulf War.

The world order heavily favors the West. The League of Nations, established in 1920 after World War I, eventually transformed into the United Nations, with its five permanent members holding veto power, including the US and Israel.

The current Western world order is strengthened by its emphasis on science, a unified educational system, democratic political systems, and military might.

Arab states cannot hope to win a war against the West simply by purchasing weapons or relying on technology provided by Western countries. Muslim nations lack the necessary military, educational, and political infrastructure to challenge the global order. Emotional manipulation and religious motivations only serve to hinder progress and resolution.

It is important to recognize that the issue at hand is not solely about nations, ummah, or national security. It’s about election win and gaining legitimacy for Netanyahu and Biden. The US makes money by investing in wars.

Therefore, it may not be the appropriate time to solely advocate for humanity, as decisions regarding global fate are largely influenced by political blocs that play a crucial role in shaping the world’s destiny or in fact, in sustaining the status quo.

The imperialist US is believed to be using Israel to stir up conflict in the Middle East. Despite claims that the US is crumbling, it remains a significant player within the larger global order.

The concept of nations as distinct divisions of continents is a construct that the West introduced. Meanwhile, the religion-based concept of nations is an Islamist construct.

Our leaders copy the West and keep us hovering between nation, ummah, national security, and human rights when they’re all just facades to further their interests. Slogans like this only work for the White because they have worked hard to establish a system based on humanity as long as the White are involved.

To effectively advocate for change, the cause itself must be adjusted, and efforts should be focused on achieving three key goals: reformation within Muslim nations, similar to the church reforms and industrial revolution experienced by the West, and establishing a united front. This approach requires patience and a lack of emotional response.

Until then, we can’t do much. We can only die. We can have heroes like Saddam Hussein, Mullah Omar, Hafiz Saeed, and Khomenie, but we cannot win any wars.

Although against our wishes, a potential solution is reverting to the 1967 borders. Muslim nations should prioritize these goals and work towards internal reforms, following the examples set by the West, so we can build the necessary capacity to address the current challenges.

Thanks for reading!


