Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Everyday Life

Vishwa Arora
2 min readDec 25, 2023


The year 2023 was all about AI making waves. With ChatGPT gaining huge popularity, AI-generated images and fake videos tricking people, and Google dropping its competitive gem, Gemini, it was crystal clear that this was the year of AI taking center stage. While individuals deeply immersed in technological development might find grasping the essence of AI straightforward, those not actively following technological advancements or younger generations entering this revolutionary realm might face challenges in understanding how AI works. Are you also curious about AI but find it confusing? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Let me help you understand the fascinating world of AI with some practical analogies. Let’s dive in!

Imagine a classroom filled with enthusiastic 4-year-old kids, each armed with a set of colors and a drawing of a forest to color. The teacher selects the brown color and instructs the kids to locate that specific color from their boxes and use it to color the tree trunk brown. Then use the same steps to locate green and color the leaves green, followed by blue for the sky, and yellow for the sun. Here, the teacher is imparting the intelligence of colors to these kids.

Similarly, when a machine is provided with a vast amount of labeled data, then trained to analyze it and spot correlations and patterns, and subsequently leverage these correlations and patterns to predict future outcomes, it gains the ability to independently not only color the drawing but perform far more complex tasks. This remarkable capability is what we refer to as AI.

An everyday example of AI in action is evident through Google Maps, which utilizes location data obtained from smartphones to provide navigational directions. Moreover, it incorporates user-reported data such as accidents, road closures, traffic congestion, construction, speed traps, and more. This information is analyzed to assess traffic flow and recommend the most efficient routes to users. We, the users, rely on these recommendations to plan our travel schedules, trips, or even to avoid getting caught in heavy traffic.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI, numerous facets remain yet to be explored. In my next article, I’ll delve into industry-specific practical applications of AI, shedding light on its impacts and the fascinating ways it’s shaping our world. Stay tuned for more insights into the expanding horizons of AI and its impact on our lives!



Vishwa Arora

Digital Transformation & Technology Leader, AI Enthusiast