Pros and Cons of Online Classes

Savneet Kaur
2 min readApr 24, 2020

Online classes have become more accessible as students know that no matter what their daily obligations, they can find ways to obtain degrees while staying at work and life schedules. While online classes were once considered inferior to lecture halls, the stigma seems to fade as technology is advancing and today many students are making good use of online classes.

Pros of Online Classes:

  • Flexible Learning: The main advantage of online classes is a flexible schedule. It allows individuals to study at their own pace and on their schedule. Digital classrooms can be accessed anywhere anytime.
  • Access to courses 24/7: Online courses are available round the clock to any student with a computer and Internet access, unlike on-campus courses that require students to be in class at a certain time.
  • Variety of courses/programs: There are a variety of programs available online. Students can choose to study almost any program.
  • Saving money while earning a degree: Online courses are usually less expensive than on-campus courses at universities. Thus, allowing students to save money while earning their degree.
  • Self-discipline and responsibility: The freedom to take online classes at your own pace requires greater responsibility. So, it inculcates a sense of responsibility and self-discipline among students.
  • Location independence: In an online program, there are no geographic restrictions. Students can study right from their homes.

Cons of Online Classes:

  • Lack of peer interaction: Though many online classes encourage collaboration through group projects and forums, students may feel isolated from their peers when not sharing the same physical space.
Feeling of isolation among students.
  • Technology problems: Online students with computer or Internet problems will be unable to complete their assignments or exams on time.
  • Requires personal discipline: Staying motivated and keeping up with assignments may prove difficult for some students who attend online classes than for those attending traditional classes.

At the end of the day, it can be said that online classes aren’t always perfect for everyone but it has also brought a positive effect in the lives of many students and working professionals. It has allowed many students to take up additional courses along with their studies or job as per their convenience.

