We all Know Some Weight Loss Tips but Nothing seems to work! Why?

Arosa Jabein
5 min readOct 18, 2023


Let’s explore a new perspective on healthy life instead of some timely fixes

Pexel (Free Stock Photos)

We all Know Some Weight Loss Tips but Nothing seems to work! Why?
Today, we are surrounded by technology and media and have easy access to all of the information that we want to obtain. Whether any of us has searched particularly or not we all know 2 or 3 tips to lose weight, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and be fit. It is the times of youtube videos, vlogs, TikTok videos, and many other platforms where we can access a bunch of exercise tips, diet tips, weight loss processes, and many other things in just seconds. We can get the opinion of experts and we can see the personal experiences of people from all around the world. We have all of the information at our fingertips and yet struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Recent data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that
“Obesity in the United States affects 100.1 million (41.9%) adults and 14.7 million (19.7%) children and accounts for approximately $147 billion in annual health care costs in America.”
It is just the data from the USA and we can easily evaluate that Weight Loss is becoming a global issue. It is an alarming situation and point to wonder too that instead of all information development and awareness, we as a nation are suffering from the same issues.
I am not here to discuss some magical remedy or medication or any exercise that will resolve the issues but I want to take a moment to discuss the main area of the problem. In my opinion, in the pile of information about weight loss and fitness, we have lost sight of actual problems and issues. I am not some fitness expert here but I can analyze my personal experiences.
I have experienced that many of us are willing to exercise, go to the gym, have strict diets, go for daily walks, have teas and medication, and many other stuff that experts tell us to lose weight but we are only doing these things as a phase or short-term working.
Let me tell you one thing our weight, health, and body reflect our daily routine and mental behavior. Our body is like the true reflection; it will show you how you are from the inside or what you are doing daily. Now let me explain my point in detail here.
I have developed a habit of using mobile phones or social media in my free time instead of going for a walk or instead of going out for some fresh air. Now, you start doing this and think, no big deal, I will start working when the time comes. But, at this time, you are preparing your body to be in a state of relaxation, you are unintentionally giving yourself singles then staying indoors or scrolling on the phone and laying in bed is the best possible activity to spend the free time. Now with time, this becomes your habit. Now you are doing it intentionally but you automatically sit in bed with your phone on hand whenever you are free from work and start ignoring multiple other tasks that could be done from “Me Time.”
After a few months or years, you start to observe that you are putting on some weight and decide to do a full heavy weight loss routine for 2–3 months’ breakthrough. As we here in multiple videos you can lose weight in 7 days 14 days or months. You put yourself on a strict diet, not eating the things that you like and changing all of your routine which puts your body into an alarming state. Now, you think that I just need to follow this weight loss routine for a few weeks and then I can go back to my habitual routine.
I want to bring up two points here,
First of all, do you think that maintaining a routine for a few weeks or months can give you lifetime results? Do you brush every day? Why not visit the dentist in 2–3 months for flossing and cleaning and skip the daily brushing? Do you take a bath daily? Why not go to some spa or clinic in 2–3 months and have your body clean and skip the daily bath?
Think about it. We are doing all of these little activities daily so why the little exercise or walking or healthy eating be part of our daily routine instead of some forceful weight loss routine?
Second, I want to discuss that changing your previous habits into new healthy habits and routines is not as easy as it sounds in theory. In my opinion, changing a habit can be the most difficult task a human can do. Habits are like unintentional or unseen power that builds our personality and body and breaking or changing these habits can be as complicated as sending a rock into space by breaking all gravitational force of the earth.
As Stephen Covet explains in one of his famous books “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

“Habits, too, have a tremendous gravity pull — more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply embedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.”
It explains that we can face a very hard time while breaking an old habit and making a new habit but once it’s done you can float in space like some spaceship.
It is clear that instead of focusing on short-term fixes or processes for weight loss, we should motivate ourselves toward building better and constructive habits. We need to change our mind set and perspective and try to understand that each goal and objective of life is based on habits that we are developing unintentionally daily. We can apply this perspective in every field of life not just for weight loss.



Arosa Jabein

Driven by a belief in the transformative power of information. Aims to empower readers with a nuanced understanding of economic and social issues.