Predicting whether partners will stay together

Stephen Rose
4 min readJul 2, 2018

I wanted to answer a question that practically everyone would find interesting, will this couple stay together, and the long story short is that you can predict the outcome and you can predict it pretty accurately.

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Ensemble test set (out of sample) performance

  • Accuracy: 0.84
  • F1 Score: 0.88
  • ROC AUC: 0.88
Confusion matrix showing the probability of getting the correct prediction reported given you know the true outcome.
Confusion matrix is showing the probability of a particular outcome given a prediction.

As you can see, if the model says you will stay together then that’s good news because it is very likely that it is true (~90.5%). However, the model is weaker at predicting the other case. The ensemble is still better than chance for predicting if someone will break up but it is not as accurate. That being said, from trying it out with many people in the real world that either already broke up or eventually broke up months later, the model appears more accurate for this label that just 60%. This apparent high real-world accuracy could be because all the people had labelled as broken up for primarily the same reason (they were young <25 years old).

Modeling and Performance

The final model used on CoupleNet is an ensemble of bagged gradient boosted classifiers, a random forest, and classification neural networks. Since the majority of people in the data set stayed together all modelling was treated as a class imbalance problem. Also, a lot of feature engineering was required to make these models use the input data well. I used a package I made called rosey to do most of the feature engineering.

Count plot showing the asymmetry of relationship outcomes in the data.

Random Forest

Random forests are pretty trivial to train and optimise, which is why I’ll cover it first. Simple grid search cross-validation was enough for me to find parameters that did a good job predicting on the test set. The only caveat I added is that I trained the models with a balanced class weight to correct for the class imbalance shown above.

Random Forest ROC curve on the test set.

Bagged Gradient Boosted Classifier

Gradient boosted models are great. There’s nothing about them I don’t like! They also do a great job here. For training, I just set a relatively small learning rate and setting the number of estimators that was way too high.

Gradient boosted machine staged predictions for the first 2000 estimators. Y axis shows the score on the validation set. X axis shows the number of staged predictions from each extra estimator.

I then get the argmax to find my best guess for the optimal number of estimators to use in my gradient boosted classifier.

best_gbm_n = np.argmax(validation_scores)

I know train 50 bagged gradient boosted classifiers as a way of smoothing the decision surface.

Gradient Boosted Classifier on the test set.

Classification Neural Networks

I didn’t like the neural networks for this problem. Regarding training time, it was slow compared to gradient boosted models and random forests. Concerning prediction, it was also fine. An advantage of the neural network, however, is that is the probabilities reported for predictions are much better calibrated than those reported by the other two models. This is because neural networks (like logistic regression) can be made to optimise to log odds directly.

Neural network ROC curve on the test set.


CoupleNet was a charming and fun model to make. Many folks that like data science enjoyed the explanations (generated by LIME) and regular people just like these BuzzFeed style quiz games. Keep in mind that all these models are queried on a cloud server with one shared virtual CPU with 700Mb of RAM.

If you have any questions let me know!

